Chapter IX

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As they were pretty far from the actual city, Ghost decided to take the car. He promised John he was going to kick his ass for saying that, but down deep inside his heart, he was kind of grateful for asking Madison out for him.
He was holding his elbow out the window, resting his head on his hand as he was driving with only one hand, watching the street carefully, while the woman was just sitting on the seat next to him, playing with her fingers on her lap. She felt quite awkward. She wanted to talk to him, but she wasn't sure how to start a conversation.
  "So…what do you think about going to Plaza de Armas? There are a bunch of cafes and that kind of stuff. Alejandro told me that's a cool place too."
  "Hmm only if we go to Morelia Cathedral after."
  "Bet. But I'll have to warn you, I'm a bad photographer."
  She chuckled, shaking her head.
  "Nah that's fine, I don't expect you to take photos anyway."
  "Oof that's mean. I'm not a big fan of them but I'm alright with them." 
  "If you say so. I'll have to find that out myself."
He shook his head, looking for a parking lot. He was sure she was interested in actually walking around, taking her time to check every single detail of everything. And he was right. The moment she got out of the car she looked around them, her eyes shining in awe.
"This is so pretty!"
"Mhm, it is quite a nice place."
Without a second thought, the girl grabbed his wrist, pulling him after her. Of course, she couldn't move him an inch by herself, he just decided to walk after her, hurrying up so he could be at the same pace as her. He found her excitement quite adorable, bringing him a light smile. He was so thankful his balaclava was hiding it at that moment.
  As expected, she went straight to a big gift shop, making him stop right in place. She looked up at him, to which he just shook his head.
"I'm not walking in there. I'll wait outside for you if you want."
"Please? I promise I won't stay too long."
"No, I'd rather just wait here and have a smoke."
"Mm fine. I'll be back soon."

  They've been walking around for hours already, yet they have not visited the cathedral. Ghost was trying to show her different places just to avoid it. He wasn't interested in cathedrals, nor was enjoying the thought of the people there. He was sure there would be at least a hundred people, which made him quite anxious.
  But it was inevitable. He promised her, and he is a man of word. Out of self respect he couldn't step on his own promise.
So there they were. He looked down at her to see her bright smile and her shiny eyes, filled with happiness and excitement. He was glad to see her like this but in a short time his breathing would get heavier, feeling his forehead getting slightly sweaty. He couldn't help himself but feel overwhelmed by the crowd he found himself into.
  And she noticed. Of course she did, she always does. She grabbed his hand gently, looking up at him.
"We can go if you don't feel comfortable with so many people around, yeah?"
He clenched his jaw at her words. He knew her intention was good, but he didn't want her to see her as a weak person. He wasn't weak. Not anymore. He could kill an entire army with only a knife, he could go on a mission all by himself and succeed, he was anything but weak.
"No, I'm fine."
"Really, I don't want to make you do something you are not fine with."
"And I said I'm fine with it. Let's just go in already, I'm tired."

  As expected, he hated the cathedral visit. He was driving now, having his balaclava on his nose, as he needed to breathe easier. He felt her eyes on him and he knew she was aware of his problem with the crowd. He lit up a cigarette, letting out a loud sigh.
  "You don't like crowds do you?"
  "No, I hate them with a passion."
  "Then why did you come with me to the cathedral?"
  "I promised you, didn't I?"
  "Well yeah, but you couldn't do something you weren't alright with."
He just shrugged, smoking his cigarette.
  "Thank you."
  "You know, taking me out. I really wanted to visit the city."
"Don't mention it."
"Hope you enjoyed our little hang out at least a little bit."
"Yeah it was pretty nice. Although I don't appreciate the fact that you spent half an hour, or more, in that bloody shop."
"There were so many cool things, okay?"
"Did you even buy anything?"
"Oh yeah of course I did. My salary is higher since I joined you, might as well treat myself. I decided to treat myself every time I almost die on a mission." She says with a light chuckle.
"Well then I hope you don't get to treat yourself often."
  "Aw, you care about me?"
  "Care enough to want you alive."

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