Chapter VI

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The car parked, away from the mansion. Ghost was in his position, looking through the sniper. 
"Soap, how copy?"
"Good enough. How many?"
"7. 2 at the gates, armed, 3 on the ground floor, only one is armed, the rest are on the first floor. I can't localizate anyone else for now. Stand by."
"Roger that. Madison, do you copy?"
"Good.  Two guys at the gate, remember your lines?"
  "Yeah i do."
"Alright, go for it. Out."
  She took a deep breath as she walked up to the gates. Two men, dressed up in elegant suits were standing there, holding their guns tightly in their hands. They seemed like they were having a conversation before she appeared.
"¿Quién carajo es ella?" One of them said as he pointed the gun to her.
"¡Identifícate!" The other one yelled at her as he slowly approached her.
"I not speak spanish. I am here to meet El Sin Nombre, I have information I believe he might be interested in."
The two men looked at each other for a few seconds, then turned to her, nodding. They grabbed her arms, pulling her inside the mansion.
Another man stopped in front of them. He was wearing the same black suit, but his face was covered.
"Me la llevare de aqui." He said, and the men let go of her arms, leaving them alone.
The voice was familiar, she remembered hearing it before, but she couldn't quite recognize it. Not in this kind of situation.
"Soap, were in" the man then whispered.
"Copy.  Try not to catch their attention. Out."
"Roger. Out."
That's when she finally realized whose voice was that. She let out a relieved sigh, as her body relaxed slightly. She looked up to the masked man, waiting for him to lead the way.
"How did you get in, Alejandro?"
"Violently."he said, and she could bet he smiled proudly as he spoke. "Now, you go there, I'll wait for you by the elevator."
  She nodded and slowly walked to the room he pointed at. She was nervous, yet knowing Alejandro was in the same place as her, gave her a comforting feeling, somehow. She took a deep breath and walked in, where she was welcomed by a tall man.
"Ayayay, what do we have here? Are you intel?"
"Yes sir. I'm here to meet El Sin Nombre."
"Ah nuestro jefe? She first has to agree to meet you. Come on, you'll wait on the first floor while I go talk to her."
He led her to the elevator, where Alejandro waited, as promised. The man took out an id card, using it to open the elevator. As they walked in he pressed two buttons, first and second floors.
At the first floor, he pushed her out, as soon as the doors opened.
"Wait there"
She waited for the elevator door to close before she let out a loud sigh. She pressed her back against the wall as she whispered.
"Ghost, soap? Are you two there?"
"I'm on the first floor. El Sin Nombre is on the second one. I need to wait for her to ask me in."
"Alright, Alejandro is there, he will take care of you while we make our way in."
"Madison, do you have a knife?"
There was a moment of silence after Ghost's words.
"Fuck damn it. Go look for one. Who the fuck sent her in without a damn weapon?"
"I did,"  Soap said. "She doesn't  need one. She's not there to fight."
"Oh spare me. Madison, do you see that black door at the end of the hallway?"
"Yes sir."
"Walk in. Be careful there are two guys, armed."
"Don't fucking go thats dangerous."
"Johnny, you do your part of the mission. I am going to lead Madison from now on."
Silence again. She didn't know what to do anymore, who to listen to. With a light sigh she turned to the black door Ghost told her about.
"Madison, do you see that black door at the end of the hallway?" He repeated himself.
"Yes sir."
"Good. Now walk in slowly. Be as quiet as possible."
As she slowly opened the door she walked in, hiding herself behind a corner, checking out the room. Two men, as Ghost said, were looking out the window, giving her an opportunity to walk in even further. It seemed like a bedroom, but big, bigger than any bedroom she'd ever seen. She slowly walked towards the bed, checking the nightstands. Nothing. No knife.
Before she could even make any other moves, a sharp pain streaked her shoulder, followed by a loud sound. The burning sensation filled up her body, overwhelming her. Her vision got blurry as she tried to figure out what was going on.
Now everything was black, and cold. She felt her body resting on the wall, or floor, she couldn't tell the difference anymore. She couldn't see anything.
But she heard loud noises. Some bullets, bodies falling.
Then a voice.
"Bloody hell! Madison is down! I repeat, Madison is down! Alejandro goes to rescue her, the room is clear. Soap, find your way out, I'll come pick you up."
She couldn't remember anything from there, but the masked man did. The pain in his chest as he saw her falling on the ground through his sniper. The range that filled up his body, shooting both of the men in that room. He blamed himself for her injury. He pushed her to walk in the room, as if Madison had any military training. He treated her the same way he was treating her brother, and at first he found it just fair. He called it a great mistake, one that could have been avoided if he listened to John.
He was the lieutenant, he always knew what was good for his team, he always knew their skills and abilities, so giving them such tasks would never be a problem.
As he drove back at the base he couldn't help himself but check her through the mirror. John, who was sitting next to his brother, trying to stop the bleeding, looked furious. Ghost thought his self control was quite powerful, as he looked like he was about to punch the hell out of the lieutenant, but he didn't. Not yet.
  Back at the base, after Madison got her wound all cleaned up and bandaged, the two of them left her alone in the room, having a 'conversation' in the hallway. The moment Ghost closed the door behind him, John grabbed the collar of his shirt, throwing him in the wall behind him.
"You fucking motherfucker she could have been killed! I fucking told you thats dangerous!" He yelled at him, as he clenched his right fist, punching Ghost's face. Even though the mask  decreased the pain, he still felt the anger of that hit. He remained silent for a second, before he spoke.
"It was equally dangerous to let her wander around with no weapon whatsoever. I told you before the mission that sending her in was a bad idea."

Her body was aching, every single inch of it. She slowly opened her eyes to find herself laying down on a bed, wearing only a sports bra and camo pants. She tried to get up, but fell back down, too weak for anything.
"Fuck i got shot…" she mumbled to herself as she saw the bandages around her shoulder and torso.
"You're finally awake."  Ghost's voice filled up the air, making her heart skip a beat.
She turned her head to look at him, the movement turning out to be a bad mistake for her body. She let out a groan in pain, shutting her eyes tightly.
"Fuckin' hell…"
"Don't move, you're hurt. You're a doctor, you're supposed to know this."
"How did the mission go? Did you get to El Sin Nombre?"
"Damn you nearly died and the first thing you asked about was the mission? Well as a matter of fact, we failed. We needed to rescue you but Soap did manage to find El Sin Nombre. Hassan wasn't there, so we will have to move again."
"Did you capture El Sin Nombre?"
"Our mission isn't to capture anyone other than Hassan." He remained silent for a second "she's in the basement."
  The woman looked at him with wide eyes, as she couldn't believe her ears.  As he saw the shock on her face he let out a light chuckle.
  "Im fuckin with you. El Sin Nombre ran away after she heard all the noise downstairs."
  "That wasn't funny."
  "You're just not used to this. Now I'll go get Johnny, I'm sure he wants to see ya."
As soon as Ghost left the room, John came instead, kneeling next to the bed, grabbing her hand into his. He looked at her with sad eyes, regretting being written all over his face.
"I'm so sorry…I'm truly sorry Maddie…"
"I'm alright, please calm down. I'm sorry the mission didn't go well."
He shook his head.
"It's not your fault. It's Ghost's. He sent you to that room."
"It's not his fault, please don't put the blame on him."
"Then who's fault is it?"
"Captain Price agreed with sending me in, didn't he? He knew I'm just an ordinary doctor."

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