Chapter XV

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Ghost kicked open John's door. As expected, John wasn't sleeping either. He just turned his head.
"Jesus fuckin Christ you scared me LT."
"Go fucking wake the rest up, meet me in the meeting room. It's urgent." He said as he just left the room, leaving the man watching him confused. But he did as he was told.

Everyone was sitting at the round table, Ghost letting his phone on the table.
"Play the video."
John reached to the phone, playing the video. Everyone watched in silence, as everything started off kind of normal. The moment Madison showed up John just stood up, walking away from the phone. As a soldier, he had seen even worse than that, he witnessed his teammates dying, but seeing his sister like that, it was too much for him.
"She's…still alive.."Alejandro spoke, looking down at the phone.
"What are you going to do about it, Ghost?" Captain Price spoke, crossing his arms at his chest.
"I'm going to find him, with or without you. And I'll make sure he will suffer a slow, painful death."
"I'm coming with you." John said, turning back to face him. "And I'll make sure he won't die until he suffers at least as much as she did."
"I'm with you, mi hombre." Alejandro said as he stood up as well.
"Count on me." Rodolfo added.
"Well time to save Ghost's girlfriend." Gaz and Roach said as they walked to the lieutenant.
"We are a team Simon, we are all going to help you."
"Good, i sent the video to Ozone already, he is trying to figure out the location. Go get ready, we are leaving the moment we find it."
"Ghost, do you copy?"
"I found the location. Mexico, Nogales."
"Well, it seems like we are going back to your base Alejandro."
"Vamos a volver a casa, Rodolfo."
"Everyone, let's get going. We are going to have a long  flight, mates."

They were looking down at the city from the helicopter, checking the safest place to jump. Thirty-five men around the house. All armed.
"Don't their…clothes look familiar?" John said as he looked through the sniper.
"They do, but I can't put my fingers on it."
Ghost looked through his sniper as well, his body tensing up.
"Shadow company."
"The hell would they do with Hassan?"
"I don't know, but I'll kill every single one of them if I have to."
The men started shooting from the helicopter, using their snipers for more precision. They watched them fall to the ground one by one until there was no man left standing.
  "Let's go down."
The helicopter slowly landed, everyone going down. Even though Price was there, everyone knew they were going to prioritize Ghost's orders. They waited for him to speak.
"Alright mates, one rule. No one kills Hassan, I want to do it myself. Besides that, go wild." Ghost said as he reloaded his gun before kicking the door open, walking inside.
Two men, down in a matter of seconds. The rest followed him inside, going to different areas of the house. Even though it didn't look, the house was big enough to take a while to find her.
As Ghost walked down the hallway he found another door. It was blending in with the wall, it didn't even look like a door at first.
"Be ready to fuckin suffer you son of a bitch."
He broke the door, slowly walking down the stairs. A basement.
"Ghost here. How copy?"
"Nothing Sir."
"There's a basement, I believe this is where they are keeping her."
"On our way."
He stopped in front of another door. Behind which he was able to hear voices.
"Shepherd, are you sure they are coming?"
"Yeah, they found the location for sure. It's just a matter of time until we get to kill them all. We got what we wanted from them, they are useless now."
"You're such a heartless man, I love it."
Ghost pressed his lips together hardly, feeling the anger filling up his body. His blood was boiling. As soon as John and the rest of the team appeared behind him he turned to them.
"Make sure Shepherd dies bleeding out. Don't aim for his head."
"You really woke up today and picked violence huh LT?"
"I don't sleep. But I sure did pick up violence."
He raised his gun, breaking the door open. Madison was in the center of the room, tied up to the chair. She was facing the wall, so Ghost couldn't see her face, but he was sure she was unconscious. Her head was hanging low, and her wrists seemed bruised.
"Oh there they are." Grave said, resting his head against the wall.
"Took them less time than I had expected. Congratulations 141." Shepherd said, pointing his gun to them.
"Away n'bile yer heid." John said, shooting Shepherd straight in his hand, the one that was holding the gun. At the same time Ghost punched Grave, grabbing his collar in his fists.
Grave looked into Ghost's eyes, a smirk appearing on his lips, as blood slowly ran down from his nose.
"We don't need you anymore."
He threw Grave into the wall, punching him again, harder this time. He could swear he heard his nose crack.
  Shepherd dropped his gun, letting out a groan in pain.
"Oh suck it old bastard." Price said as he grabbed his throat with both his hands, throwing him to the ground.
John looked down at him, kicking with his foot hardly his face.
"Burn in hell ya motherfucker."
One loud bang and Grave was laying down on the ground, the floor slowly being stained with blood.
"One down. Let that old shit die bleeding out."
"One more hit LT. I can still recognize that ugly face."
"Go for it Johnny."
John hit his face again, and again. His boot was covered in blood, yet he didn't give a damn about it. With one more hit he stopped, taking his gun, shooting him in the abdomen.
"Have fun dying bastard."
Ghost looked down at Shepherd with cold eyes, then walked up to Madison, kneeling in front of her. Her face was partly covered in blood, having multiple cuts and bruises. He sighed, gently caressing her cheek.
"Madison…are you conscious?"
Madison opened her eyes slowly, looking at the mask in front of her.
"Am i…dreaming?"she mumbled, trying to understand what was going on around her. She couldn't figure out if she was dreaming or not. His voice sounded like a memory, yet his touch was so real.
"No, no you're not darling, we came to save you."
He quickly cut the rope around her wrists and legs, gently massaging her skin. He sighed, getting up.
"John please take care of her, I'm going to destroy that fucking dickhead."
John nodded, helping her to stand up. She was skinnier, weaker. She looked awful. He held her tightly into his arms, starting to walk out with her.
"I need to take her back to the helicopter, she needs to lay down."
He said as he left, walking out the basement, then the house.
"Yes, it's me, Maddie. You're gonna be alright I promise."
"I…thought I'd never see you again…"
"I'm here now. I'll make sure you'll be safe from now on. You won't go through this anymore."

"Where are you hiding, you piece of shit?"
"Looking for me, Riley?" Hassan's voice filled the air. 
Bang. A bullet pierced Ghost's right shoulder. Bang. A bullet pierced Ghost's left thigh. He let out a loud groan as he turned around, shooting Hassan's hand, the one holding the gun. 
He pressed his back against the wall, taking out his pistol, as the rifle was too big for the small room. His wounds were burning, the bleed was running down his clothes. But the adrenaline, the rage inside his body was overflowing. No amount of pain could stop him now.
Hassan, now with only one functional hand, struggled to pick his own back. One bullet in the abdomen, one pulled to the shoulder, the other shoulder. Ghost shot him like there was no tomorrow.
"You…fuckin piece of shit…" he said, as she got on his knees, on top of Hassan, holding his collar with a hand, the other one punching his face countless of times. He was using as much force as his body allowing him to. His nose was broken already, his eyes black, bruised.
"Go burn in hell…" he said under his breath as he stood back up, kicking him hard in the face. Hassan wasn't breathing anymore. He stopped breathing a while ago, but that didn't stop Ghost from hurting him.

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