Chapter VIII

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Madison's wound was slowly healing so they were going to look for Hassan again. Neither of the two adults have talked about their little moment during that night. She felt too embarrassed to mention it, and Ghost, well he was trying to figure out his own feelings. He wasn't used to feelings, his whole life he only experienced pain, sorrow, anger, hate, disappointment, but never something like this. He didn't appreciate it, for the first time he was afraid of something. Not of rejection, he was used to it since he was a child, but afraid of messing up the missions and getting his teammates killed, again. And when it came to Madison, he was afraid to get her in danger, hurt her again.
  "So, did you pack your things? We having a flight next thing in the morning" Madison's voice disturbed his thoughts.
"Huh? Yeah, I didn't take anything out to begin with."
  "Pff ready to leave at any moment huh?"
  "That's just part of my job, innit?"
"I assume so. You're the soldier here, not me. Anyway, any ideas on what city we are going to now?"
  "Morelia. You should know that though, you are there during our discussions."
  She chuckled lightly, throwing some clothes in her backpack.
"Eh, sometimes I find it hard to concentrate on what y'all talking about. I get distracted easily."
"Yeah noticed."
  In reality, she was getting distracted by him. Since she met him she noticed some of his habits, and one of them is being so focused while listening to someone talk, no matter if it's about a mission or just a random conversation. He would sit down, behind the rest, spreading himself on the chair, until the back of his head touches the  back of the chair and his legs are completely straight. (Check the photo of the chapter so my description makes more sense) He'd cross his arms at his chest and stare at the person speaking. And everytime he was sitting like that she was suddenly focusing on him rather than the indications. She found him more interesting and attractive than stupid Hassan.

They were already flying for over half an hour, yet Madison fell asleep quite quickly. She was sitting between her brother and Ghost, while Rodolfo and Alejandro were on the opposite side. It was silent, yet neither of them knew if they weren't saying a word because she was sleeping and didn't want to wake her up, or just because there was nothing to talk about.
  There wasn't much until she let her head rest on Ghost's arm, making him tense his body up for a moment, surprised. He looked down at her, gently running a finger through her hair, sliding it behind her ear.
John couldn't help but notice his gesture, and how gentle he seemed to be to her.
  "Yo LT, everything alright?"
  "Affirmative." He said emotionless, while still looking down at her, at how peaceful her sleep seemed to be. He was quite jealous of that, yet, he was glad she wasn't going through the same terrors he was.
  "Is there anything between you two? You seem awfully close to my sister."
  "You're out of ya mind if you think that."
"No, Soap is right. Have you seen how she's looking at you?" Alejandro added.
"You should date, I bet you like her too." Rodolfo also said.
"Relationships are not in my field manual."
"Neither is mask making." John said, turning his head to face Ghost. He instantly regretted saying that as he saw the dead stare Ghost gave him. He felt his heart skipping a beat and his face go pale.
Then silence for the rest of the flight. Madison was sleeping peacefully on Ghost's arm, and he just sat there, not moving an inch of his body so he couldn't disturb her.
But as the helicopter they were in landed, the noise and sudden movement, she woke up. She looked up to Ghost as she found herself so close to him, then quickly got up. She felt the blood running up to her face, her cheeks catching a tint of pink.
They quietly left the helicopter, being welcomed by a bigger base than the last one. Madison found it even prettier and cleaned, but she didn't think any of the men were interested in that anyway. From what she could remember, they were going to stay there for at least a week, so she wished to visit the city that day. She never visited that city, actually, never visited Mexico at all before this mission, and she finally had the opportunity to wander around for a little.
  The base was, as Madison could tell, bigger, having finally a room for each of them. Even though she enjoyed Ghost's company, she felt like some alone time was more than welcomed. As soon as she got in her room, all alone, she changed her clothes. It's been a while since she had seen herself in normal clothes. She was now wearing a miniskirt and a hoodie instead of her military uniform and that annoying vest. As for shoes, she kept her boots.
  As she was getting ready, doing her hair and makeup, Ghost was already outside with the other men, changing into a pair of jeans and an oversized hoodie. His balaclava was over his nose as he was smoking.
  "So, do you have any plans LT?"
  "We are in Morelia amigo, go visit the city." Alejandro said.
  "Yeah and take Madison out."
  "I'd rather pass on that."
  "Oh come on, why aren't you dating her?"
  "Because I'd destroy her."
  "She'd be into that."
  "Who would be into what?" Madison's voice filled the air, making Ghost freeze in place. He widened his eyes as he felt his heart skip a beat.
  "Oh, just Ghost asked if you'd like to go visit the city with him." John said with a bright smile on his face.
"Of course, I'd love that."

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