Chapter XI

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It was raining, the ocean seemed to be agitated, like it knew there was going to be a bloody fight soon. The team was announced by General Shepherd that an American force, named Shadow company, was going to  join them to stop the missiles.
"Soap, you're coming with me and Grave.  Alejandro, Rodolfo, you're taking the other boat."
"Yes sir."
"There are two boats in which it is possible to be the missile, so, we are taking both at the same time, we can't afford wasting time."
"What do I do?" Madison asked, looking up at the lieutenant.
"You're gonna wait in the helicopter with Captain Price and Gaz. You'll take orders from Price while being there."
"So…I just stand by while you're on the mission?"
"Pretty much."
"But I don't wanna. I want to help you."
"Well things don't work as we want them to. You're not coming with us and that's final."
"Maddie…it's too dangerous out there, way more dangerous than the ones you were with us. I don't want you to get hurt, yeah?"
"What if any of you gets hurt?"
"We can wait until we get back to you."
"Fine, whatever. I'll be in the helicopter."

She was looking from above at the boats they were going to attack soon. She tried to count all the people, but Price was faster.
"Alejandro, there are twenty-five men. Be careful, Ghost, forty-four. Wish you the best of luck."
"Yes sir."
"Understood. Out."
As Ghost, Grave and Soap made their way up the boat, they were welcomed by randomly placed boxes, all around it. They could use it as a shield, as a hideout, but on the other hand, it played the same role for them as well. It was a double edged sword.
Ghost peaked out, shooting someone. One dead, forty-three left. Soap and Grave joined him as well, running to different sides of the boat, hiding behind the boxes, clearing their way to the door.
On the other boat, Alejandro and Rodolfo were doing the same. For them, things were going way easier.
As Ghost made sure their way was safe, they all ran up the stairs. It was oddly silent. No more men shooting at them. No one to protect the area.
"No sign of the missile here Ghost, it must be on your boat" Alejandro's voice rang into ghosts ears.
"Copy that. Soap, Grave, so inside and change the missile's target. There's no time to stop the launching, but we can send it in the water instead. Go go go."
"Roger that Sir."
The two men busted in, Grave running to the computer, while Soap went straight to the control panel.
Ghost, having a weird feeling about this quietness, decided to walk towards the other door. He held his gun pressed against his chest as he slowly opened the door.
Bang. Bang.
  He found himself down, falling on top of a new corpse. His abdomen was bleeding heavily, a sharp pain streaking his whole body. He managed to take down the person that attacked him, but that didn't stop him from hurting Ghost.
"Lt, we changed the location. The missile is going to launch in 20 seconds. Let's get outta here."
"Great job Johnny." Ghost said, his voice lower than usually.
"You're hurt. I know that fucking voice. We are getting you out of here Lt."
"I'm fine, I can walk on my own."
He got hurt worse than this. He went through hell and back, a bullet to the abdomen was nothing. Or at least that's what he was telling himself as he struggled to get up. Fortunately, he was close to the door so he could get out soon enough to make it to the ladder. He pulled himself up, Soap and Alejandro followed him quickly.
As he got in, he let his hand fall on his wound, covering it. Even though the wound itself wasn't noticeable, the blood on his clothes and glove was more than obvious.
"You're hurt.." Madison said, kneeling in front of the man, grabbing his hand, pulling it away.
"Its nothing."
"Oh shut the hell up. Sit down. Now."
"I don't take orders from you Madison. Last time I checked my rank was higher."
"Sit down Ghost." Price said, making the lieutenant growl in frustration, sitting down.
Still on her knees, Madison took off his vest, his jacket then just pulled up his shirt. She took her time to analyze the wound, before picking a pair of tweezers from her vest.
"This is gonna hurt."
"Just do it already."
She nodded, slowly trying to take the bullet out of his abdomen. His body tensed up from the sensation, yet he remained silent. He watched her carefully as she managed to extract it, throwing it on the floor.
As she does that movement, he noticed the explosion outside the helicopter, meaning that the missile successfully launched, with the new location. He at least knew the mission was a success.
  She looked up to him for a moment, straight into his eyes, before pressing something against his wound, trying to stop the bleeding. She then bandaged his abdomen tightly, sticking a hello kitty sticker on top of the bandages. He looked at it confused, raising an eyebrow.
"What's that for?"
"Makes the bandages look prettier."
"I'll change them later, that's useless."
"She used to work with little kids, don't mind the stickers." John said as he looked at his bandages.

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