Beating The Goons

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Today Amy was roaming around the street and shopping spree. After dining outside she was ready to get back home.
She had purchased one small apartment after she left home and was currently living there.

While walking through the alley Amy heard some muffled voices. So she just followed the directions of sound. She saw some goons were fighting with a man, he was maybe injured as his white shirt was covered with blood. The goons who were fighting noticed Amy and they looked towards Amy's direction ferociously.
"Ohh you guys can continue what you were doing, I was just passing by. Don't mind me" said Amy rather casually.

They paused their fights for a few seconds, maybe they were stunned. Amy was not able to clearly see their faces. She could roughly make an outline.

"Little girl don't even think about escaping. Brothers, what's say? Should we have some fun today??" Said one goon lewdly.

The man who was fighting with them took this chance of distraction and tried to run past Amy. But maybe he had a lot of blood loss and he fainted.

Goons were quite panicked when he started running but later they laughed loudly.

Goons surrounded Amy. "Little girl who do you want to go first with??" Asked one of the goons while licking his lips.

"Hmm, why don't you guys decide or rather why don't you just come together" said Amy as she smirked.

"You like to play wild huh" said goons lewdly.

While Amy was interacting with goons she failed to notice pair of eyes watching her from the car. The man has astonishing facial features. With bloody red eyes and black hairs he was looking like a grip reaper who could reap your soul with just one look. He had fair skin and masculine body hidden behind those black shaded clothes. But currently this heavenly face had furrowed eyebrows. The assistant who was sitting in the front seat was sweating nervously.

"Sir would like to deal with those people" asked the assistant nervously.

"Wait" the man only spat this one word and the assistant shut his mouth.

'Then why are you making a face like you could send those guys to hell in next second.' thought assistant bitterly.
He and his boss came here today to save the boss's brother who was followed by enemies. But when they reached, they saw a little girl casually remarking to goons without any fear in her eyes.

To tell the truth he was quite surprised by the little girl's behaviour. Another girl would have been frightened by the scene but she was very calm. When he saw his stupid young master running for his life living the girl behind he cursed in his heart. How can young master throw that little girl in danger and run away like coward. He was disgusted.

But when goons said lewd words to that little girl, he felt temperature of the car dropping. He was scared to death. But then he heard that girls bold words and was shocked to core. His boss was also frowning so he got more nervous. 'Oh lord please save life of this little assistant' pleaded assistant in his mind.
Back to Amy when goons where on 1 feet distant. She kicked one of the goon and then she directly punched face of one of the goon. There were 5 goons, she already took down two goons. 3 of them where stunned by sudden turn of the event. Amy took advantage of the situation and beat 5 of the goons to the plump.

"Miss...miss please leave us. We won't harm you. We were wrong, we won't do anything like this again. We will respect all the ladies, treat them like goddess. Not even touch them. Please miss leave us." Cried goons pathetically.

They never thought weak looking girl would be so strong. They could just blame there dirty mouth for this situation. If they wouldn't have provoked her she would have left.

"Get lost" Amy spat out this words.
Goons fled from there quickly even forgetting about the man they were beating.

After they left amy looked at the man who has gained his consciousness but was looking pale. But even his pale face couldn't hide the astonishment.

"Tha..that miss thank you for saving me. But I must say you are really strong. I was really enjoying the fight" said a man as he tried to smile while ignoring his pain.

"Save it dude. I didn't save you but myself. So no need to thank me. I will take my leave." Said Amy as she was about to leave.

"Miss ca..can you please take me to hosp--" when that man was about to say hospital someone interrupted him.

"Young master, young master" said assistant as he ran towards the man who was lying on the floor with pale look.
"Looks like someone came to fetch you, bye" said Amy as she started leaving. She didn't want to get involved with anyone.

"Miss can you please follow me to the car, my boss wants to see you. It's an request miss" said assistant politely. He had lot of respect for this lady who was able to fight with goons single handedly.
Amy thought for few minutes and decided to follow. Anyways she hasn't killed anyone and she was just protecting herself.

"My name is Leo" said the man who was injured before fainting.

"Young master" Assistant was little tensed.

"Don't worry his vital points are not injured so he just fainted due to exhaustion. But he do needs an urgent treatment." Said Amy.

Assistant was slightly stunned then nodded his head and took them towards car. He put Leo on the front seat and opened the door of the back seat for Amy. Amy could feel pressure in the air as the door was opened. If it was Amy from past she would have definitely been nervous but Amy now was carefree. She entered the back seat and saw a man was already sitting inside but Amy couldn't see his face as it was dark.

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