Space Upgradation

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Amy who just woke up was a little dazed.  She was still feverish.

"Amy are you okay?? How do you feel??" Asked Liam who just entered the room.

Amy looked at Liam, took two seconds to register his words and then spoke "I am fine just little dazed" said Amy in a hoarse voice.

"Sleep more sunshine, you are still a little feverish" said Ethan who was sitting beside.

"No, I am fine. Beside I am Hungry" said Amy and took some food to eat from her space.

After she was done eating, Amy looked up and saw everyone was looking at her. She was a bit embarrassed.

"What???" Asked Amy.

"You...How did you catch a fever." Asked shawn.

When shawn asked questions Amy suddenly remembered something " guys go out for a minute..I will come outside and tell you" said Amy.

Everyone was hesitant but then too they listened to amy's words and went outside.

Once everyone left amy entered her space.

"As expected, it did upgrade huh!" Said Amy.

She saw a mall beside her house. Amy entered the mall.

"Welcome to the 'shopping spree' mall. You can shop for whatever you want from the mall." Said a robotic voice.

Amy raised a brow and went inside. Sure enough she saw that she couldn't get access to supplies there.

"Host, you will have to complete the quest if you want to get access to the supplies. The quest panel is beside the server room. If you keep on completing the quest, you will be able to upgrade your space more. Fighting host." Said the robotic voice.

'I thought it was just a space left from ancient times. But I didn't expect it to be a system. It looks as if I keep on upgrading space, I will get lots of surprises. That's interesting' Amy thought.

Amy went beside the server room and sure enough she saw a quest panel.

The first quest was to kill 100 zombies and gather 20 crystal nucleus from their hearts.
Reward: You can access level 1 materials in the mall.

'But I already have lots of materials stored in the warehouse, why would I need this. Unless---' Amy widen her eyes and dashed towards the warehouse.

"Host you---" came the panicked robotic voice. But before he could complete Amy was already out of the mall.

Amy opened the warehouse door and when she saw the condition of the warehouse her blood boiled.

"You damn Dog system. I will kill you!!!!" Roared Amy.

The guilty robotic voice chose to put earphones as not to abuse his ears.

"Hyaah, Come out I am telling you. Don't think I don't know that you have human form. The space has already given me information. So quit that robotic voice of yours and come in front of me. Right now!!!" Said Amy in angry tone.

No one came after 2 minutes. "You dog system, if you don't come now then---"

"Look behind" said a childish voice.

Amy turned but no one was there. "Huh, hey don't play tricks with me."

"Look down you damn girl" sounded an embarrassed voice.

Amy looked down and saw a child around 5 years old child standing with his puffed cheeks and glaring at Amy.

Amy was flabbergasted and suddenly couldn't use her fist to beat him. Like seriously, who would be willing to beat that little cutie pie.

Amy's anger suddenly diminished. But then too her voice was stern. "Ahem....little guy tell me, how my supplies have disappeared?? I only saw some of the supplies have left. Which can barely be enough for 2 to 3 years." Said Amy.

"Tha...that I...I... actually I thought spritual energy that you have cultivated in the space after planting will be enough to upgrade the space, but I miscalculated and I couldn't leave upgradation in the middle so I used everything possible in the space to upgrade. So um...your supplies disappeared" said Little guy guiltily.

"Hahaha" Amy was laughing angrily while glaring at the little guy who was showing innocent look.

Amy picked him up and spanked his a**, if she didn't do this, She wouldn't be able to relieve her anger.

"You, you, how dare you spank this lord." Said Little guy with angry and embarrassed voice.

"I dare to do many things, wanna try??" Said Amy while glaring at little guy. "Firstly you emptied out my supplies and now you dare to be angry at me huh??" Said Amy sternly.

"It wasn't intentional. I didn't knew this would happen" said Little guy in aggrieved tone.

Amy wasn't resistance to cute faces so she soften up but still she wasn't just satisfied with this "Then what about compensation?? You used my supplies without warning and also I felt sick because of your upgradation. I need compensation" said Amy.

Little guy pursed his lips "What do you want??" Asked little guy.

"I want access to level 8 materials" said Amy with smirk.

This little brat has almost used up all her weapons. She only has few weapons in space and members also has only few weapons.
Level 8 has weapons. So now that's what she requires the most.

"This" little guy was about to refute but Amy didn't give him a chance.

"I don't take any other things as compensation. That's final now" said Amy.

He was little hesitant but then too nodded his head. "Okay then, I have allowed you to access level 8 materials."

"Well that's all for now, I will go out now. Ohh right, what's your name??" Asked Amy.

"I don't have one" said Little boy.

"Hmm, Then I will call you El from now on" said Amy.

El nodded his head.

"Okay bye then, Will meet you soon el" said Amy as she squeezed el's cheeks and went out.

"You---" el was left embarrassed there yet again.

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