Truth From The Past

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"Hello little sister" said Liam as he smiled gently.

Yes it was Liam who was at the door. He used his connection to find Amy's whereabouts.

"Why are you here??" Asked Amy. She was quite surprised to see him here.

"I wanted to thank you for saving my brother's life." Said Liam.

Amy wanted to say there's no need for that, but looking at that expectant face she really couldn't help to say no. She didn't know what was happening to her.

"Come inside first" said Amy a bit stiffly. She doesn't know how to interact with people as she was always living behind the close doors. And when she got her freedom, she was abandoned and the world had already changed.

Liam came inside. He saw around. There was nothing much in the apartment. Only some simple furniture of daily use that's it. No decoration of any sort. Liam was quite surprised at first. He always thought that girls like to doll up everything around them but now it seems there are some exceptions.

"What is it that you want to repay me with?" Asked Amy without wasting time. She never liked to talk nonsense.

Liam was rather speechless by her behaviour. But soon he recovered and said "You can keep forward you demands, if they are reasonable I will accept it. I never like to owe others." Said Liam.

'Hmm, the money that I had with me are almost finished in just one month. Still there are roughly 2 month. So If I have extra money I can buy more things' thought amy. "If that's what you want then just transfer 5 million yuan to my account, anyway thats the fee I would have charged to any other patients so that will be enough" said Amy.

Liam was rather surprised by her behaviour. He expected a typical white lotus behaviour after hearing that he was rich but she gave an straightforward answer. She just asked for the treatment fees nothing else. "Okay then it's settle" said Liam.

"If that's all you may leave" said Amy

Liam was again rendered speechless. He helplessly left the apartment. Amy also left the apartment after he went.

At night when Amy came back with her take-out she saw 5 people standing in front of her apartment. She was rather surprised and hurriedly went near apartment.

"You guys why are you here??" Asked Amy questioningly.

"We have something to talk to you" said Liam. His voice was trembling.
Ethan, Leo, Assistant and also a boy whom she treated was standing beside Liam.

Amy sensed the seriousness of the situation, so she didn't say anything and just quietly opened the door.

"Come inside" she was not worried about this guys doing something to her. Firstly she had her martial arts to back it up secondly even if she is not able to fight with them head on she can easily escape with the help of space.

Everyone followed Amy inside except the assistant he went back to the car.

"Now speak what you want to say?? If you are thinking about paying me back then you have already done that. You have transferred money to me." Said Amy.

Shawn had his head down probably he was in trance and Liam couldn't find words to speak. So Ethan took the lead.

"Alone?? From when??" Asked Ethan.

'Does he mean to ask if I live alone here and from when?' thought amy "Why do you want to know that??" Asked Amy.

"Conform something" said Ethan.

Amy was bit suspicious but then to she chose to tell them as they can always investigate about her.

"I used to live with the aurora family and before they adopted me I used to live in an orphanage" Said Amy rather calmly.

Liam trembled. He knew what has happened with Amy till now. He has seen investigation reports from ethan and he also came across shocking truth.

"Am...Amy I wa...want to te..tell you some... something I hope you will for.. forgive us" said Liam with choked voice.

"What is it??" Asked Amy as she narrowed her eyes. She was not dumb. She has seen the little boy beside Liam. Now that his bangs were cut Amy could see his face. She had suspicious in her mind but she hoped it was not true, or she may do something irrational.

"Back then when shawn was born he had a twin whose name was Nick. He was really cheerful. We used to love him a lot. But one day shawn sneakily took him out to amusement park. When they were coming back to home a car came rushing towards shawn and Nick pushed shawn to save him. Shawn was terrified but he still called us and when he took Nick to hospital, just a next day after that we heard he disappeared from the hospital. We tried to search him for so many years but no avail." Then Liam paused and looked at Amy with tearful eyes.

Amy's heartbeat fasten. Could it be her gender was of boy and she didn't know that. 'Why I am thinking absurdly' thought amy.

"My parents searched for Nick frantically. Even on there deathbed they only had this one regret." Said Liam with trembling voice.

"Today Ethan handed me on report. Then I understood that from the beginning we were wrong. The nick that we were searching for was not a boy but a girl!!!!." Said Liam while tracing last syllable.

This was the first time after her rebirth she felt her palms sweating from nervousness.

" mean" before she could complete she already knew the answer.

"Yes, you are the Nick. After I got to know this I went to search my parents room in hope of finding something which could tell why they hide your gender. Then I found one envelope there. It was written that if they would have said you were a girl the...then my grandparents would have thrown you out or would have abandoned you. They favoured boys over girls and they strictly warn not to keep a child if was born as a girl." Liam said last sentence and tears rolled down his cheeks.

Beside Liam, shawn was sitting with his head down. Totally in trance. He didn't utter the word.

Amy was rather calm after hearing this. She has already experienced lot of emotional damage. She was rather calmly able to digest this fact.

"You were genius from the childhood. You learned lot of thinks faster than anyone. You mastered hacking when you were only 8 and after that this incident happened." Said Liam.

This could explain why Amy knew hacking at the age of 11.

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