Chapter 1

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I walked through the halls, looking down at my tattered navy blue converse high tops. Flash laughed loudly next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I flinched at the contact and he looked at me out of the corner of his eye. I smiled timidly at him and he smiled at me reassuringly. We stopped at my locker, where I picked up my chemistry textbook. He kissed my cheek and walked off to psychology. I sighed dejectedly and walked into the classroom. Peter welcomed me with a smile, and I smiled back. I set my backpack on the ground and pulled out my assignment. Peter did the same, and we waited for Mr. Cobwell to show up.

"Hello, class! How are you all doing today? It is a beautiful day to be alive! The sun is shining, the snow has melted, and we have a pop quiz! First, trade papers with the person next to you, and you will correct their paper for them! This way, no one will cheat!" Mr. Cobwell exclaimed, way too excitedly for a Tuesday. Peter looked at me worriedly and tried to erase stuff from his paper.

"Don't worry. I got you." I whispered quietly, passing a blank piece of paper to him, indicating that he should do the same. We swapped names on the papers for a minute until Mr. Cobwell checked to make sure they were done. We then corrected our papers and turned them in after changing the names back to normal.
"Thanks," He whispered. I nodded and turned back to the front. Peter worked on something under the desk for the rest of the class, even though I tried to get him to pay attention. We walked down the hall silently after class.

"So, what was that all about in chemistry?" I asked him, trying not to be awkward.
"What was what all about?" He asked in fake confusion.
"Oh, please!" I said exasperatedly. "You wanting me not to see your chemistry
"Oh, uh, that." He said nervously. "It was just some top-secret Stark internship stuff. Nothing to worry about." I rolled my eyes at him.

"What are you and Penis talking about?" Flash asked, wrapping his arms around me suddenly. I jumped at the sudden closeness. "So?" He said, his voice getting darker. "What are you talking about? You two looked pretty cozy."
"Chemistry. Two students can talk after a class, and maybe if you didn't hover so much, Aubri would like you more." Peter said with defiance.
"Really? You, Penis Parker, are trying to tell me how much my girlfriend likes me? You are completely out of your mind." Flash said with a dark laugh. "Now scram."
"Bye Aubri. Come find me when you ditch the jerkface." Peter said sarcastically, walking to his next class. I watched him leave and felt Flash put his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him for comfort.

"See. You do love me. I don't know what he is talking about. By the way, do we really have a pop quiz in chemistry?" Flash asked, hugging me with the arm around me.
"Yeah. It wasn't that hard. It was basically the assignment but with the word quiz on top." I explained. We arrived at the library for study hall and I helped him understand chemistry. While he worked, I started sketching him working hard.

"What are you doing?" He asked me playfully.
"Drawing a picture of you working hard for one of the only times in your life." I joked back. He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Really? Or are you just capturing my exquisite personality on paper?" He asked, looking at the drawing. "This is really good! You should be a commissioned artist!"

"It's not that good. I don't think people would pay me to draw pictures of them. They would probably call me old-fashioned and weird." I said, slowly taking my drawing back. Flash shrugged and went back to work. I flipped a page in my art book and started drawing random lines and shapes. I was pulled out of my stupor when the bell rang.
"Who did you draw this time? He looks familiar." Flash asked me, inspecting my drawing. "But that isn't me. Why are you drawing other guys? Are you cheating on me?"

"No! Of course not! I was just drawing random lines and shapes and it turned into..." I paused to look closer. "Is it just me, or does that look like..." I was cut off by Flash running to his friends. "I'll just see you later I guess."
I put my sketchbook in my bag and went to lunch. MJ waved me over to where she was sitting with Ned and Peter. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I sat down, pulled out my lunch, and chatted happily with my friends. I completely forgot about the drawing until school had let out, and I was on my way to decathlon practice.

"Aubri! Please!" Peter begged me, getting down on his knees. "Mr. Stark has to meet you! You are just as smart, if not smarter than I am! You have to come and help me with this project we are working on!"
"Why? I have homework, and I don't really know Mr. Stark. How do you know he won't just, I don't know, throw me out?" I replied, pulling out my phone. I scrolled through my calendar. "Fine. But I have to leave by six."
"Yay!" Peter said excitedly. I rolled my eyes at his antics and walked down the street with him. We arrived at the Stark Tower within ten minutes. I stared up at it in awe. Peter cleared his throat and led me inside.

"How do you manage to not freak out every time you are here? This place is amazing!" I said quietly to not disturb anyone. I looked around as Peter led me to an elevator. He swiped a keycard and pushed a button. When the doors opened, I saw my version of heaven.
"WELCOME TO THE LAB!" Peter yelled, throwing his hands out in a big flourish. There was sciencey stuff everywhere! Peter held my arm and led me down to a very cluttered table. "This is my desk. These are the projects I'm working on. Umm, could you close your eyes? There is some stuff you shouldn't see." I nodded and closed my eyes. I heard the sound of rockets, though, and flinched when I felt a presence behind me.

"Who is your friend, Peter?" Tony Stark asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Oh, ummm, Mr. Stark! This is Aubri! I brought her here to help me with my current project!" Peter said excitedly, sounding like an overly happy puppy.
"Did you forget what day it is?" Mr. Stark asked. I opened my eyes to look at him and immediately looked away. He did not look happy.

"Ummm, no?" Peter asked questioningly. His eyes just about popped out of his head when he realized something. "That was today?!" He screeched.
"Yep." Mr. Stark said, popping the 'p'. Peter looked at me, then at Mr. Stark.
"What do I do?" He asked.
"The tower is already in lockdown. I don't know what to tell you." Mr. Stark said.

"Excuse me, Mr. Stark, sir. May I ask you something?" I looked at him timidly.
"You just did." He said snarkily. "But yes."
"What is going on? Why is Peter freaking out and the tower in lockdown?" I asked. They looked at each other, then back at me. "And couldn't Peter just take me home after his internship?"
"No... Peter was to stay the night. I had an important project for him, but he can't do it with you around." Mr. Stark explained.

"But, I'm apologizing in advance because I don't know if you know this, couldn't Peter just, I don't know, Spider-Man me out of here?" I asked them. Peter looked surprised and Mr. Stark looked at him expectantly.
"How do you know!?" Peter yelled at me. I rolled my eyes at him.
"D.C." I told him. Mr. Stark looked at me closely.
"You are very attentive. You do know you can't tell anyone, right?" He asked me.
"Um, I don't have very many people to tell, and I wouldn't like it if Peter went spilling all of my secrets out to the world." I said defiantly.

"It's okay Mr. Stark! I can bring her home and return immediately!" Peter said, grabbing my hand. We walked into the hallway and back to the elevator. He brought me to the roof, where he pushed a button and a Spider-Man suit showed up. "Um, could you turn around so I can change?" He asked me quietly. I turned around, and when he finished, he grabbed me around the waist. "Hold on tight!"

I screamed as we swung through the streets. I cherished the feeling of flying high above my problems. To say I was disappointed when I landed was an understatement. Peter set me outside my apartment complex, nodded, and swung away. I walked up to my apartment, only to see Flash standing outside my door.
"Where the hell have you been?" He yelled. I let us into my apartment and shut the door.

Hi guys! This is my Loki fanfic! I want to mention Jayde-Candy . She is awesome and everyone go follow her please! Don't worry! Loki will be in the next chapter!

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