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Hello dear reader. You have stumbled upon the third draft of What A Lovely Night. Due to marketing reasons, the full book is unavailable on Wattpad. However, the first half of the book is available here for your viewing pleasure. If you find yourself enjoying the first book in the series of What A Lovely Night, I encourage you to go and buy the official first edition copy on amazon. It's only $4, so go check it out.

Every first draft of a book in the What A Lovely Series will be available here for 150 days after the final chapter is uploaded before being replaced by the third draft and the last half being omitted. As I write the series, you can expect irregular updates on the eight-part series. The series contains five novels and three short stories. Each story will revolve around a different protagonist and their significant other.

That said, enjoy the first book in the What A Lovely Series Project.

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