Chapter One -Moving In-

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Lilith's P.O.V.

I took a deep breath and stepped back. I had just finished getting my dorm in order at Metropolis Hero Academy. Today was move-in day, although I had been sure to hurry past the other students who came with their parents to move in. Having arrived on my own, which I was both expecting and disappointed by, I felt somewhat out of place.

Despite coming from a wealthy family, I didn't have many belongings; I wasn't given much. Most of the things I brought had been bought with my mother's money as a form of pity.

'You do know that she's just scared of your father, right? But, then again, that woman is pretty pitiful,' Ai told me.

Describing Ai would be both easy and challenging. Ai was a person, yes, but we shared the same headspace. When I was five, I had awoken in the hospital without any recollection of how I got there. Even Ai, who had startled me at the time with her sudden appearance, had no knowledge of it either. The doctors said that due to a traumatic event, I had developed something similar to Disassociative Identity Disorder, or rather, D.I.D. However, since they had no way of classifying my case, I'm technically undiagnosed.

"Don't talk about mother that way, Ai," I frowned, and Ai mentally rolled her eyes at my defensive statement.

"Well, we should probably go get some dinner. We haven't really met the others yet, either. Although, that's the one thing I dread right now," I mumbled, and Ai laughed.

'Honey, let's be honest here. That's just you being insecure. I'd wanna meet everybody as soon as possible if it were me,' Ai told me. I was again reminded of how different our personalities were.

"Well, let's just hope that there is nobody in the kitchen; I'm kinda feelin' ramen right about now...," I hummed and took out my stash of ramen bowls. Grabbing the chili-flavored one, I took a deep breath before peeking out of my door. The hallway was clear.

As I sneaked to the elevator, I took in the pasty tan-painted walls and the pane of glass that overlooked the school. It was a rather lovely view since I was on the fourth floor. The floors were split up by gender. Floors four and five were for the girls, and floors two and three were for the boys. The ground floor was a common area with a kitchen, dining room, and living room. Each dorm building divided students up by which homeroom class they were in. Since I was in 2A, I was in the 2A building.

I hit the down button on the elevator and prayed that none of the girls on my floor decided they needed to go downstairs. Thankfully, the elevator's ding relieved my fear, the doors revealing no one in the elevator either, and I ducked inside.

As the elevator descended, I twirled my pink hair with a finger. It was a part of my power for some reason, and my hair turned black whenever Ai emerged. The weird part was that my hair was unable to be dyed. Bleach and hair dye was like water to my hair. It was a good thing I liked pink. Although my favorite color was red, pink was a close second.

The elevator doors opened in front of me, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that nobody was in the commons area, nor the kitchen and dining room. I suppose it was ten at night, and everybody was probably tired from moving their stuff into their rooms.

I followed the instructions on my ramen bowl and waited for it to cook in the microwave. I looked around again. There was nobody here. I knew I should probably do this in my room, but my head was beginning to ache as I had yet to have a chance to release my power, or augere, all day.

My augere was called Love Power-Up, and basically, it allowed me to release a pheromone that, when breathed in, caused a person to see me as the person their heart loves the most. Once it's inhaled, however much love that person has for who they see me as, I become that much more physically robust.

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