Chapter Fifteen -Kiss-

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Ai's P.O.V.

Lilith had been mentally exhausted from her chat with dear old dad, so she gave me free rein to terrorize, I mean, spend time with, whoever I wanted. Which felt nice, as I hardly came out more than once a day. And even then, it was for a short period.

Restoration Woman had wrapped up my bleeding hand, shaking her head at Lilith's recklessness, and I was now interlocking arms with Hayate and Kokoa as we walked over to the 3B dorm.

Elijah had invited us over, saying that some of the class had wanted to meet my friends as they hadn't had the chance.

I opened the doors without knocking, Kokoa and Hayate giving me looks as I walked inside.

"Hello, Class 3B!" I shouted, spreading out my arms.

"Stop doing that, Ai, you'll tear the stitches," Hayate scolded, shoving my bad arm back down to my side.

I pouted.

"Well if Restoration Woman had fully healed me, there would be no stitches to tear," I whined.

Hayate just shook his head.

"If she had you might've died, idiot," he scolded.

I bopped him on the nose.

"Now, now, that hasn't exactly stopped me before, now has it?" I asked, skipping into the common room.

"Wait, you've nearly died before?" Kokoa exclaimed.

I spotted Elijah, who had stood up to greet us.

"Uh, duh? What did you think Night Mare had me doing? Push-ups? Nah. But oh man, it was such a rush," I sighed dreamily, and everybody looked at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked, confused.

Elijah gave me a pat on the head.

"Nothing, guppy, we're just admiring your quirkiness," he said.

I rolled my eyes with a blush.

"Oh yeah, sharky? Your deflated and sad hair sure says that you use too much hair gel," I teased.

"Oh, be quiet. I would offer you guys snacks, but everyone else already ate the cookies that Ivy made earlier. Well, except Lucy, she said she was saving hers for later since she had already brushed her teeth," Elijah said.

I smirked.

"And where is Lucifer? Don't tell me she's already in bed?" I asked, and Elijah shook his head before gesturing at the kitchen where Lucifer was chatting with Beryl.

"I'll be right back, gotta go say hi to the bestie," I told Elijah with finger guns.

"Everybody, meet Hayate and Kokoa. Hayate made it to the quarterfinals, and Kokoa made it to the semi-finals," I told them, and the others clapped a little for them.

"Oh c'mon, that's not as cool as the first place winner," Hayate mumbled, blushing.

I elbowed him.

"Your self-confidence is as bad as Lilith's. Buck up, dude," I teased as I walked to Lucifer.

I spotted Lucifer's uneaten cookie sitting on a small paper plate next to her. Beryl and she were going over something in one of Beryl's notebooks that looked like an improvised attack using their different augeres.

"Hey, guys!" I greeted them with a grin

Lucifer noticed I was in control and nodded in acknowledgment while Beryl looked at me in awe.

"Ai! I heard that you two won first place! Congrats!" Beryl said.

I beamed.

"Well it was more Lilith than me. She figured out Otoya's weakness and used it against him," I told him as I sat down next to him. I turned to Lucifer with a smirk on my face.

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