Chapter Six -Intrigue-

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Elijah's P.O.V.

I jogged away from Lilith's dorm, thinking about my connection with her. I would have never believed Night Mare could have a pupil, but I guess everyone had their secrets. At first, I wanted to tell everyone about it, but then I remembered Lilith's face filled with distress and decided I could hold off on exposing Night Mare's secret pupil.

After all, it was as much of Lilith's secret and privacy as Night Mare's. And telling people about secrets like that just wasn't my MO. Or very manly.

I jogged up the steps and opened the door to my dorm building. Most of my classmates were chilling in the common room. I spotted Lucifer looking like she was itching to go to bed but was holding out since Beryl was talking to her.

I never really got their friendship. It was incredibly complicated, but after Lucifer came to terms with Beryl, they seemed to get along better.

"Dude Elijah, where did you go? You disappeared. Usually, when you go for a run, you don't stay out that late," Asterope noted, turning around from the couch. Along with him, Beryl, Lucifer, Strom, Rowan, Melanie, Ivy, and I were the only 2A kids in 3B together when we got split up into 3A and 3B.

I scratched the back of my neck, debating on what to say.

"Hmm, well, let's just say that the sophomores are pretty interesting. I think we have some fans among them," I told them.

Asterope's eyes widened.

"You met one of the second years? Dude I've been trying to talk to the sophomore girls but they're all so serious or unapproachable. One of them even looks a little bit like a snake. Not saying that that isn't cool or anything but still," Asterope complained.

I laughed, glad I hadn't mentioned that I had met a girl to him. Otherwise, he and Robert would've thrown a fit.

"Well they recognized me on the spot. They even knew about Beryl, Lucy, and Strom," I mentioned.

Beryl looked surprised.

"They knew about us?" he asked.

I smiled.

"Yeah, they said Lucifer was angry looking. They said they saw the sports festival," I laughed, and Lucifer scoffed.

"Well it's nice to know that we have some fans," Strom said, and Beryl nodded with a smile.

"What about me? Did they say anything about me?" Asterope asked.

I shook my head.

"No, but they did say something about 2A being famous. I'm sure they know most of us since they phrased it like that," I told him, recalling Lilith's words.

"Man, now I kinda want to talk to them. It feels like we've got our own fan club at this point," Asterope groaned.

Beryl smiled.

"It does, doesn't it? I guess it's hard to believe that we're all juniors with students that look up to us," he said. I smiled.

"Well I'm going to bed. It's too late for all this fan club talk," Lucifer groaned as she stood up.

Asterope smirked.

"But some things just don't change, do they?" he snickered, and Lucifer flipped him off before walking to the elevator.

"Good night Lucy," Beryl called.

Lucifer rolled her eyes.

"Later, Beryl," she grumbled as she stepped onto the elevator. Beryl smiled as she said that.

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