Chapter Four -Trigger-

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Ai's P.O.V.

I howled in anger as Lilith's hair turned pitch-black and her eyes from blue to red. I looked down at my hands and flexed my fingers. I took in a deep breath and smelled the air around me.

Oh, it was good to be out.

"What the hell?" Kazuo asked.

"What the hell indeed," I hissed as I accumulated a small portion of my fear pheromones in my palm.

"Even though I don't know what you did, I'm still taking you down!" Kazuo shouted as he charged my way.


I was on him instantly, shoving my hand into his face, giving him no choice but to breathe in my pheromones.

"Lilith! What's going on up there?" Hayate asked me through the earpiece.

I cackled.

"A fucking shit show," I told him before turning off the earpiece.

No distractions. Right now, I was going to make Kazuo wish he had never been born.

"You know, they say that a true judge of character is how people react in the midst of terror. I wonder who you truly are, Kazuo Wallach," I drawled, turning over to him, and as he looked up at me, his eyes widened in terror. I grinned sadistically, and he scrambled away, his mouth agape in a silent scream.

I laughed, pulling the lance from my shoulder and whipping as hard as I could, the rod now limp as it became a whip.

"You dishonored Night Mare. Now you're gonna die," I told him as I sauntered towards him. Kazuo fearfully moved his feet, and the ground he stood on shot up from underneath him as he made his escape.

"Cute," I snickered, raised a fist, and cut clean through the newly risen arch. Kazuo yelped as he fell to the ground, skidding against the concrete. I raised my whip and lashed it at him, grazing his leg.

The sight of blood excited me, and his wince flipped a sadistic switch in me.

"Your fear is so much greater than your love. I wonder what you're seeing that makes this so terrifying," I mused, getting closer to the flinching boy as he shakily stood up. I raised my whip again, and brought it down on his arm, and he gasped.

This time a large wound opened up, and I heard a crack, and I grinned wickedly.

More, more, more-.

"Lilith!" Hayate and Kokoa shouted, and I froze, the whip held above my head. Suddenly, Lilith's feelings overwhelmed me.

And I realized that I was ruining our chances of fitting in here. So I lowered my whip and got out the capture tape.

"Lilith, is that you? What the hell happened to you?" Kokoa asked, and I turned to give her a look.

"I'm not Lilith," I said to her and approached Kazuo, who had his eyes closed.

"You're a monster," he spat, and I sighed.

"I know. But Lilith isn't. If we hadn't met Night Mare, we'd probably hang out with guys who wanted to see the world burn. Just like the villains Night Mare fought against. Maybe, before you claim someone isn't a hero, you should think about the people they saved," I told him, and when he tried to stop me from putting the capture tap on him, I kicked his stomach hard. Kazuo coughed and fell to the ground. I readily wrapped the capture tape around his wrists.

"Fuck you," Kazuo croaked, and I stood up.

"You just don't know when to shut up, do you?" I asked him and turned my back to him.

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