Chapter Thirteen -The Semi-Finals-

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Lilith's P.O.V.

After receiving a band-aid from Restoration Woman, I took my seat in the stands. I refused her healing as it was only a scratch, and I needed to conserve as much energy as possible for the rest of the matches.

Kokoa and Kazuo were in the middle of a battle, and it looked like they were evenly matched. Since Kokoa and Kazuo were on the same team for the 2 v.s. 2, they knew a lot about how each other's augere worked, so this only seemed fair.

Next to me, Hayate was trembling with nerves. I grimaced, knowing who he had next. Otoya Fuse, another student who had been admitted based on recommendations.

Like mine, Otoya's match had been over instantly, and the same amount of blood had been spilled. Otoya's augere was called Archer, and basically, he could summon arrows and mold them into any type. He could control them at will and, depending on how they were made, could fly at high speeds, faster than the eye could see.

"Hayate, you're going to be fine! Just do your best! And besides, you still made it past the first round! That's pretty amazing. You'll get offers for sure! Especially since you carried our team in the dodgeball match," I reassured him.

Hayate gulped and nodded.

Kokoa had suddenly gotten the upper hand with a giant sword made of caramelized sugar and cut past the concrete walls that Kazuo had up around him and then brought the handle down over his head.

Kazuo slumped to the ground, out cold, and Weaver raised his hand.

"Mr. Wallach is down! Ms. Tanaka wins!" he shouted, and the crowd cheered. Kokoa twirled around, raising her hands, making victory signs with them with a huge grin.

Hayate stood up and gulped. Then, he turned to me and spoke with a terrified smile.

"I'll see you in the finals!" he said and sprinted down to the field.

I smiled at his mix of nervousness and bravery and watched him and Otoya take the stage.

Kokoa dashed next to me and let out a breath.

"Thank god I didn't miss this. Oh, and it looks like we're going against each other next!" she said, raising a fist at me.

I grinned and fist-bumped her.

"So it seems," I said.

She leaned in.

"I ain't going easy on you, bestie," she teased

I laughed.

"And neither will I," I shot back at her, and we both turned to the field as Jackie shouted for the match to start.

Hayate flinched at Jackie's voice, a simple sword in hand, as Otoya summoned three arrows right off the bat and flung them in his direction. Otoya did not choose a weapon, which piqued my interest.

Hayate flung his hands up, and something resembling a purple-tinted shield flew up around him.

Otoya's arrows pierced it, but once the tiniest tip of it had passed through, they stopped moving.

"What was that?!" Kokoa and I gasped as Hayate breathed hard.

"Oh wow! Looks like Hayate has had an ace up his sleeve this whole time! Why didn't you use this in the dodgeball match Hayate?!" Jackie shouted as Hayate winced.

'Looks like a special move that he had been saving. But, I bet it takes a big toll on him, which is why he hasn't used it yet,' Ai mused.

I nodded.

"I think you're right," I told her.

Kokoa looked at me.

"What did Ai say?" she asked as my other classmates looked at me curiously.

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