The Police Meow of the Criminal Investigation Brigade (2)

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Du products! Can't go wrong! This taste is engraved into his soul!

It's just that the sense of smell of humans and cats is different, so I didn't notice it immediately at first.

Thinking about it now, the male host's yellow complexion and weird smell all came from drugs.

He took a deep breath and was about to call the police, but he raised his paw and realized that he was a cat now.

How do cats call the police, meowing into the microphone?

Moreover, the most important thing is to find out where the host bought the drug, whether he only smokes it himself or sells it.

After clarifying this point, his thoughts gradually became clearer, and he began to think while licking his paws.

After a while, he flicked his big fluffy tail, walked to the balcony and started eating, already having an idea in his mind.

After this day, Shen Qiu became extremely clingy, the host followed wherever he went, and he couldn't close the door even when he went to the toilet to take a shower, and howled at the top of his voice when he closed the door.

The male owner, who didn't particularly like cats, was a little overwhelmed. Before going to the bathroom again, he kicked him away with his feet.

Fortunately, Shen Qiu reacted quickly and was not injured. He arched his back and gave him a sigh of relief, and quickly ran away.

The host went into the bathroom cursing.

Shen Qiu's hair exploded all over: "Meow meow!" The cat you want to raise yourself! Take it home and don't take care of it! What's wrong with you!

If he hadn't been thinking about drugs, he would definitely have run away from home!

Shen Qiu crouched angrily at the door of the bathroom, listening to the movement inside.

After a while, the phone rang inside.

After a while, the host's voice sounded intermittently.

But Shen Qiu still got the important information, two days later, the host will go out!

His eyes lit up, that is to say, after bringing so many things home, this guy couldn't possibly eat them all by himself!

Shen Qiu stared at people even tighter.

That afternoon, Shen Qiu fell into a drowsy sleep when he heard the host answered the phone again, and immediately jumped three meters high, with four legs thumping and drifting to the back of the host.

The host was still talking to the person on the phone.

"Well, at eight o'clock tonight, I'll wait for you at Wuyi Lane, Shinan Road. It's agreed, I'll take the bulk of the shipment this time."

He muttered a few more words, "Just send a car, and the next time will be divided ." I don't feel sorry for half of it."

As if the conversation was not pleasant, the host quickly hung up the phone, turned around and began to pack his luggage.

Shen Qiu was looking at the mobile phone on the bed in a daze.

Now that the delivery location is in place, how can he pass the news to the police?

For the first time after being reborn, Shen Qiu felt that being a cat was not good. If it was a breed of dog, someone would send it to the police station on the street, but others would only think that it was a free-range dog.

Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice BowlWhere stories live. Discover now