Kiwi at Customs 996 (4)

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The policeman on the left was the one who spoke first. He rubbed his eyebrows first, and while turning over his confession, he complained to his colleague, "You can never imagine what that person did with that meat."

The colleague knows what he is talking about, but he has no idea what kind of people work here.

So far my colleagues have been very indifferent to look at the documents in their hands.

Until the other party said, "I have heard that pangolins can treat impotence, but this is the first time I have heard that protecting the uterus of animals and gao pills can treat infertility."

The colleague suddenly looked up at him with a look of surprise.

Shen Qiu, who was squatting under the legs of the table, shook his head and raised his head, like a kiwi with a toothpick inserted and the lid lifted.

The police record the statement to colleagues.

"I asked him why he wanted to kill protected animals, he said he bought these from someone abroad, not he killed..."

After denying the act of killing protected animals, this person insisted that he did not know the regulations that meat cannot be brought into the country, and also used the sophistry that meat can be brought out of the country.

When asked if he knew it was illegal, he began to play pitiful, saying that he had to do it.

Said that he was infertile, and the Chinese doctor who treated him said that he could only be cured by eating the uterus of these animals and gao pills.

Not to mention the police, Shen Qiu, who had seen the big scene, was shocked.

When I was a panda, I caught a criminal who poached pangolins and brought them to the table, but at most the other party thought that pangolins could treat symptoms such as impotence and kidney deficiency.

It is said that the animal uterus gao pill can cure infertility... It is truly unprecedented.

A doctor who can prescribe such a remedy is neither stupid nor bad.

Shen Qiu doubts the authenticity of this sentence.

It is impossible for any serious Chinese medicine practitioner to say such things.

The policeman sounded angry.

"We interrogated for a long time and determined that he was telling the truth. Now a brother unit has gone to find the Chinese medicine doctor he said."

"If the other party is really a Chinese medicine practitioner, if he can say such a thing, he must be swaying and deceiving outside without learning. If this is fake..."

The police snorted and slapped the record on the table, scaring Shen Qiuyi's cleverness.

"This kind of liar who smears traditional Chinese medicine should be pulled in and locked up for a few days to learn a lesson!"

Shen Qiu shook his head and was shocked.

The police are still discussing the confession. Don't look at this person when he was at the security checkpoint, but he was not afraid, but as soon as he was pressed on the regret chair, he immediately began to regret and cry bitterly, with tears and snot with the police. A lot of vows never to be done again.

Not only did she explain the Chinese medicine behind it, but also where the animal carcasses were bought.

The police comrade finally shook his head and sighed, "This man is not difficult to interrogate, but what he has done is truly eye-popping."

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