Fox Forest Ranger of Forestry Bureau (21)

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Ma Dan's words made Serenity and Little Fox stunned at the same time.

Seriously and silently, he gave Ma Dan the medicine. After putting down the medicine box, he saluted Ma Dan.

"Thank you for everything you do to protect wild animals and uphold national laws!"

The frightened Ma Dan hurriedly stood up and returned a national salute.

Then scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "Although I haven't read any books since I was a child, I know that only when small animals live well, we humans will live better."

"Protecting small animals is also protecting the natural environment, protecting the earth."

Shen Qiu couldn't help but sigh.

No, to protect the earth is to make future human life better.

Unfortunately, there are not many people who understand this truth. Most of them are people who put their interests first like the old a.

Ma Dan briefly explained what happened next, and after the transcript was completed, he was serious and asked to send him to the hospital.

Ma Dan refused, "How can I trouble you, you are the police and have more important things to do, just go to the hospital, I am not a child who can go by myself."

Serious and uneasy to send people to the door.

Stop a taxi.

Before getting into the car, he solemnly and constantly reminded him of his own personal safety.

Ma Dan gave him a national salute again, and said in a very firm voice, "The duty of a forest ranger is to protect the animals in the forest and prevent poaching from harming animals."

"What I do today is to perform my duties, just like the people's police will rush forward when they are in danger, please comrades in the police treat me like you."

"I'm a good boy from the grassland. I have a lot of strength and I'm not vulnerable at all. The police comrades don't need to worry about me."

Get into the taxi and wave at them without giving a serious chance to speak.

Shen Qiu stood at the gate and watched the taxi go away, the firm voice of Madan kept playing on a loop in her mind.

A big hand was placed on her head, Shen Qiu raised her head and met a pair of serious eyes.

The little fox pulled the serious hand down.

Look in the direction Madan left, and look at the gate of the police station behind him.

The blue police badge above the gate is so dazzling, and it has always been his dream.

Before today, he always believed that only the police station could do things for the country and the people.

So in the first life he relied on the Criminal Police Brigade as a police cat.

Although the second world is a national treasure and is still in the forest, he has become a police bear with his unremitting efforts.

Although it's just a rescue bear. But there is also a formal establishment, which is attached to the Municipal Bureau.

The third generation, not to mention, went directly to the police station to be a police bird.

His life was closely related to the police department.

causing him to overlook an important thing.

Working in the police station is not the only way to get an iron job.

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