The second game

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I woke up from my nap and realised it was time for another game

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I woke up from my nap and realised it was time for another game.Even though my time had not run out yet, I was still so intrigued by the games I wanted to go out and learn more, it was killing me having to wait for my time to run out.

So I got up and started preparing for the game.I was hoping the game wouldn't be too hard this time.I stretched for abit once more before I put on my shoes.I sat infront of my mirror doing my hair.Two low pony tails, cute.

I still had my makeup bag, Thank God I decided to take it to school that day, because I prefer wearing some sort of makeup.Even if it's just lipgloss it makes me feel better.I curled my eyelashes and put some lipgloss on,it reminds me of life before all this.

I really miss home.

I was now wandering around on the street,my gun was hidden under my jacket which was zipped up,in my waist band.

I noticed a large office building that was lit up.That doesn't look too bad.

I smiled to myself.

I entered the building, it seems like I was the last person there.They all watched me like a hawk, I ignored there looks and went to grab a phone.

I went to go stand in the corner so I could successfully observe everyone.

Two highschool boys ,1 business man, 3 middle aged men and another guy that stood out to me, he stood away from the rest like me and had slightly long hair, he also wore a hoodie and had a blank expression on his face.

I mean ones kinda cute but why me.
Well this is going to be annoying, just my luck.

8 of diamonds.
Game:Escape room.
Time limit:3 hours

You must go through all 6 floors in the building through finding clues on each have 30 minutes on each floor to find the clue to reach the roof.

"Oh shit" I muttered to myself.

The rest of the building lit up. And I followed the group as we walked towards the main room.
The room was a normal office lobby, there was a desk in the middle and some chair on the side.

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