King of spades

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"Mary,Is that your actual name,are you messing with me again or something I'm not falling for any more of your jokes

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"Mary,Is that your actual name,
are you messing with me again or something I'm not falling for any more of your jokes."

"It literally is, My Mom used to call me it all the time it's even on my birthday certificate, to tell you the truth it's actually like a middle name."

"I like it though, is there any meaning?"

"Not that I'm aware of but I'm pretty sure that was my great grandmother's name I guess I'm carrying on the legacy."My smile suddenly faded once I saw the sight infront of me.

"What happened."His breath hitched once he followed my line of sight, the car came to a sudden halt, luckily my seatbelt was on securely.

Dead bodies, I didn't know how we didn't see this before but on the road there was a long  trail of them, they had all been shot by what seemed like a machine gun.Lifless, bloodied and bruised  bodies layed on the floor sorrounding us.

The pungent and horrid smell wafted into my nostrils, making me immediately smack my hand onto my mouth to try and lessen the stench.

It appeared that Takashi had been affected by it the most as, just as I looked at him I saw him bent over the side of car throwing up.

It suprised me how I hadn't severely reacted after seeing all those dead bodies yet, it was like I had since  become desensitised to seeing corpses, and that scared me serverly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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