New beginnings

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It was truly one of the best sleeps I had ever had, I felt so warm and comfortable and safe, best of all there was no nightmares

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It was truly one of the best sleeps I had ever had, I felt so warm and comfortable and safe, best of all there was no nightmares.

Infact it was a happy dream in a large utopian flower field, the scenery was beautiful and I looked like my favourite childhood spot but prettier
I felt a strong sense of nostalgia from the place
I distinctly remember back home where I would read all kinds of fantasy books about princess's, fairies and romance
during the summer as a child under the large oak tree in that field,

However, we had woken up a while ago now and I was talking to Takashi.

"Wait so there's more games!"
I yelled in shock.

My jaw dropped to the floor as I turned to face him.

"Yeah Tatta told me that we need to finish all the games first and then we're done."

"So we can finally leave and go home."I said

He nodded

I smiled hugging him gently from the back

Right now it was about 8 in the morning we had woken up a while ago and just found out the news.

It seemed like him and one of his friends at the beach had kept contact with one of the beach walkie-talkies
Right now he was sitting down on my chair near my desk writing down a plan and gathering his thoughts onto a simple small notebook as I stood behind him, trying to calm down his nerves,
I gently massaged his tense shoulders as he explained more to me.

"Hm and now they're waiting for the games to start I think they're face cards so it's the real deal now."

"Technically we both do have a lot of time on our visas but we don't know how long this is going to go on for."

"Maybe we could stay here but he did say the king of spades was causing havoc and shooting everyone so he could come here eventually."

"How about we take a break, you should eat something in the morning, ok."I whispered as I rubbed circles into his shoulder.

"Okay."He agreed.

———-a few minutes later

"You were so right, this is just what I needed."
He sighed before going in to eat some more of the food I had prepared.

We sat on the floor of the outside patio in the fresh air,

I was halfway through but I was way too distracted by the boy right next to me who quickly ate, he was t doing anything really just eating and talking to me but I couldn't take my eyes off him

"Aren't I always right, it was one of the only foods I could get that wasn't expired nothing special really, it just tastes better because you were really hungry."I joked

"I wish I could make you proper food though, you know I'm actually really good at it."

"Confident huh?"

"Don't act like you can cook anything sir."

"You got me there."

He sighed again.

"I don't even want to leave here you know."
He fell back into my arms and his head laid back on my lap,
I reminded me a lot of when he done the same thing when I went to his house.

"Why?"I questioned him

I found my fingers from my free hand  slowly intertwining with his.

"Because it's so perfect, I just wanna stay here and be with you all day."

My heart melted at his kind words, I was speechless this was my first time being treated like this with someone, having such strong irrevocable feelings and attraction for someone.

It was crazy how with a few words I had turned into a flustered, blushing mess.

If  a few months ago you had told me I had found a boyfriend I would have laughed in your face

I was speechless, he seemed to be amused by this but I kind of felt the same.

"But, I think we have to go back.And help to face all this and clear all the games so we can finally go home.

He was right as much as I had loved spending this short time here I knew what he was saying was right.

I smiled down at him.

It took long for us to completely get ready everything for the road, actually mainly because of me.

I wore  a pair of simple black athletic shorts, a matching black define jacket and a pink align tank top.

I also wore a thick pair of white socks and some sneakers with a cap over my hair which was tied back into a ponytail with two strands left out at the front

I carried my gun in  my thigh strap and my sword on my back.

I was able to finally catch up on my skincare and wash my face aswell as put on some makeup.
I packed a small bag with some essentials

"I'm done."I dramatically yelled, opening the door to my room.

"Hurry up took you long enough."

"I'm coming down now."I replied.

I glanced back to my room one last time before running down the stairs, out the house into the passenger seat of the car.

I glanced back to my room one last time before running down the stairs, out the house into the passenger seat of the car

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