You're perfect, little Light

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Age: 14
Word count: 956
Summary: Alena has other interests than kids her age and tries to find her place

School is hard. Making friends is hard. Fitting in is hard.

Alena Lubov Romanoff-Rogers had to learn that, as soon as she entered middle school.

Though she had Peter, it seemed like she wasn't made to fit with any of the stereotypical school cliques.

The popular girls were mean at the most part, so were the jocks.

Alena just didn't know how people could be so rude and full of themselves when they had nothing but insults in their brain.

She kinda related to the needs, but not enough to discuss every topic they had.

The 14 year old cringed at the thought of pitying herself for being diffent than most.

Of course she was though. Alena had been training with her parents from the age of 7 and she enjoyed it.

Her brain seemed to work a different way and she hated it.

Alena had enheired her practical thinking from her Mom, there was no doubt. But sometimes she wished that she could relate to people her age more.

So, she went on a mission to find herself and who she really was.

The 14 year old decided it was best to start by changing out her wardrobe.

Right now, it consisted of a very plain color pallette with loads of whites and greys and cream colors. A few black things peeked through as well.

,,Mama, can you come to my room for a second?"

She shouted through the apartment. Alena needed help on what to keep and what to toss.

Natasha leaned on the doorframe a minute later.

,,В чем дело, Светочка? (What's the matter, little light?)

,,Нужна помощь (need help)"

The 14 year old responded. She was fluent in Russian, which proved itself to be very useful for private conversations with her mom.

,,With what? Any reason why your clothes are scattered across your floor?"

The older redhead inquired with a smirk.

,,Я хочу вписаться в школу. Я думаю, мне нужна новая одежда (I wanna fit in at school. I think I need new clothes)"

Alena explained, not switching to English because she didn't want her dad to hear.

Natasha frowned.

In her eyes, Alena was perfect, absolutely stunning and the sunshine in person.

She didn't understand why she wanted to fit in all of a sudden.

,,Кто тебе сказал, что ты не идеален такой, какой ты есть? (Who told you, you werent perfect the way you are?)"

The assasin asked sternly.

Alenas gaze shifted to the ground.

,,Ни один. Никто. Послушай, мама, я чувствую себя полным изгоем. (No one. Look Mom I feel like I'm a complete outcast)"

She frowned truthfully. The 14 year old knew lying was of no use with her Mom.

,,Get over here"

The older redhead ordered while she walked over to Alenas bed.

The 14 year old stubbornly shook her head.

Natasha gave her the Natasha Romanoff look.

,,Я не спрашивал, маленький свет. (I wasnt asking, little light)"

She smirked

The younger redhead finally caved after frowning at Natasha some more.

,,Тьфу мама, как будто я не вписываюсь куда бы я ни пошел. Единственный друг, который у меня есть, это Питер. Я не знаю, может быть, я просто хотел быть изгоем. (Ugh Mama, its like i dont fit in anywhere I go. The only friend i have is Peter. I dont know, maybe im just meant to be an outcast)"

The 14 year old sighed, finally letting herself open up about her problems.

,,Hey, little light, look at me. You don't need to fit in to be happy. Like you said, you have Peter and so many other people who love you. I didn't name you Alena Lubov just for you to be ordinary. You're sunshine, you're so stunning and you are absolutely perfect, just the way you are, you hear me?! Я люблю тебя, мой маленький свет. (I love you, my little light)"

Natasha encouraged while cupping her daughters face.

Alenas eyes were glistering with tears.

,,But what if I will never find more friends. I mean, Peters nice but I really need some girl friends if you know what I mean"

She rambled, tears now pooling from her eyes.

,,Just wait until youre a little older okay. Most Girls your age usually dont care about being nice. But isnt peter friends with a girl named MJ? Maybe ask him to introduce you. Other than that, you know you can always talk to auntie Yelena or Wanda or me of course. Just remember who your real friends are"

Natasha suggested, stroking the 14 year olds auburn hair.

Alena frowned a similar frown to Yelenas, before she wrapped her arms around her Mom tightly.

,,Thanks Mama"

She muttered.

Natasha smiled softly.

,,Still need new clothes?"

She then asked after a moment.

Alena gave a laugh.

,,No, i don't think so. I like my clothes"

She admitted, her bright blue eyes meeting her mothers emerald ones.

,,Good to know, Little Light. Я так люблю тебя, моя маленькая девочка. (I love you so much, my little girl)"

The older redhead smiled, planting a kiss onto the youngers ones head.

,,I'm not little"

Alena frowned with a sarcastic expression on her face.

,,Whatever you say, little light"

Nat smiled.


Alena whined.

A/N: Hellooo, its me again. Its a lot of Russian in this one, I'm sorryyy.
I recently started getting into learning it, but it's still not good enough so I can write it myself so I apologise for any miatranslations.
Anyways, this one's is a little more serious because ... well because I wanted to. 
Hope you enjoyed it regardless, stay amazing and see you around, Bye :)

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