I want a baby brother

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Age: 2
Word count: 585
Summary: Alena asks for something ... interesting for Christmas

Alena was an active but quite lonely Child.

That was mostly due to the fact that she couldn't make sense of things normal two year olds grew up with.

Of course she had toys, books and anything she wanted, but she was also probably the only two year old who could say she had her own iron man gauntlet and toy guns.

The truth was, Alena was spoilt rotten by the avengers, since she was the only kid around at the compound.

But, that was the big problem.

The little girl wanted someone to play with. Someone who wanted to play what she wanted to.

So, she had a brilliant idea.

Friday night, when the avengers sat at the table for weekly pizza Friday, Alena dropped a bomb.

Everyone was laughing, Natasha was cutting her daughters pizza into smaller pieces so she could eat it easier and Steve had a heated discussion with Tony on why he was not an old man.

Suddenly, it got quiet.

That's when Alena saw her chance.


She began, smiling brightly at her Mother.

,,Yes детский свет (baby light)"

The older redhead responded, expecting one of her daughters random thoughts that had to be expressed the second she got them.

Alena waited until her dad had water in his mouth and her mom was chewing a slice of her pizza to drop her request.

,,I want a baby brother"

She announced with the cutest serious expression anyone could ever do.

Natasha choked on her pizza and began coughing while Steve spat out the water he just wanted to drink.

Tony's reaction was to laugh his ass off while Bruce looked rather taken aback.

Clint had a solemn smile on his face, used to the request because of his own daughter.

Thor joined Tony by laughing.

,,I'm sorry, Light, you want what?"

Steve asked, thinking he simply misheard his child.

Alena frowned, looking at her father as if he was stupid before repeating:

,,I want a baby brother for Christmas"

Natasha had stopped choking now and stroked a strand of her hair out of her two year olds face.

,,You want santa to bring you a little brother for Christmas?"

The older redhead inquired, a small smirk lingering on her face.

Steve shot her a glance that said more than words could.

,,Yes, I want a baby brother so he can ... so he can play with me"

Alena explained, her eyes wide and serious. She stumbled over her own words, that's how much she focused on getting everything she wanted right.

,,Yea Natalie, you and Capsicle should give the kid what she wants"

Tony teased, elbowing the supersoldier beside him.

Natasha glared at the billionaire, before a smirk appeared on her face.

,,How about you and Pepper give her a cousin instead"

She countered, sending her boyfriend a wink.

Now it was Clint's turn to snort water all over the table.

,,Go Nat"

He cheered, causing his honorary niece to join in by clapping her hands.

,,Mama, I need more pizza"

She informed, totally forgetting the topic from five minutes ago.

The whole table burst into laughter now, leaving the little redhead to feel proud of herself.

A/N: A rather short one for you guys today.
Hope you enjoyed bc I certainly had my fair share of fun writing this :)
Anyways, have a great day/night beautiful people and I'll see you around. Stay amazing <3

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