Dissappointed - Arrested!! pt 2

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Age: 16
Word count: 1346
Warnings: Angry Mama Nat, arguing
Summary: Alena got arrested and bailed out. Tension is thick and her parents and her are in desperate need to talk.

,,Look, it was not my fault"

Alena tried defending herself, sitting on the backseat of their family car.

Natasha was up front in the driver's seat and Steve sat next to her, in the passenger seat. The both of them had looks of dissappointment and anger on their faces.

,,Застегни, прямо сейчас, Алейна Любовь (Zip it, right now, Alena Lubov)"

Her mother hissed as she started the car. The venom in her voice made Alena visibly flinch. Nat never talked to her that way, no matter how mad she'd ever been.

If she was honest, she couldn't remember a time she saw both her mother and her father so angry at her.

The 16-year-old chose to listen and obey without a fight for once. She herself knew that what she did wasn't ok, but the jail thing really wasn't her fault.

20 minutes later, the family of three reached their apartment. The tension was thick, but no one spoke a word.

Alena made her way straight to her room, only to be stopped right before she slipped through the door.

,,Э-э-э, кухня, сейчас (Uh-Uh, kitchen, now)"

Natasha ordered, her voice nothing but cold now. It physically hurt not only Alena, but her mother as well.

If she was honest, Nat didn't want to be like that, because she loved her daughter so much and she wasn't even mad because of the jail thing. It was something else that bothered her.

The 16-year-old turned on her heel, slamming the door shut again before aggressively walking over to the kitchen, where she paced in front of the kitchen isle.

Both parents observed their child, Natasha's gaze sterner than that of her husband.

,,Look I'm sorry for getting arrested if that's what you wanna hear, but it was not my fault"

Alena finally came to a halt, staring straight into her Mom's soul. Or at least she tried.

Natasha simply stared back, her lips pressed together and her eyes hiding any sort of indicator on how she felt.

The two redheads remained like that, simply staring each other down, to stubborn to break eye contact.

Steve looked between his two girls, his gaze hardening.

,,Enough. Both of you"

He ordered in a tone Alena never wished to hear. She was so shocked that she broke the staring contest she held with her mother just seconds ago.

Natasha sighed and stemmed her hands onto the kitchen isle, her auburn hair obscuring her face as she looked down, defeated.

,,You know why I'm mad at you? And don't say because you got arrested, because that's not it"

The redhead finally asked, her emerald eyes piercing her daughter's gaze.

Alena shrugged, deciding to hide her guilt with sass:

,,Because that son of a bitch actually shot the ransom?"

Wrong decision. Tasha's gaze hardened further.

,,Can't you be serious for once? You're the reason that person is now in the hospital, if not dead"

Natasha snapped, her brows furrowing in dissappointment. Somehow, she blamed herself for Alena's behaviour.

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