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I remember it was one summer night in 2017, when Catherine came and cuddled up next to me on the sofa while I watched a football game, the weather was hot and there was a possibility of my team losing, but I still cuddled her back because I was aware of how sick and tired she'd been at the time.

I don't remember her saying anything while the game was still on, but after she made sure that Villa had eventually won and that I was happy with the outcome, she looked at me with her cheeky smile as if she was excited to tell me something, but before she could say anything, she spotted the sadness in my eyes and immediately asked about what was wrong. I was hesitant about telling her, especially because I felt like I was going to ruin her excitement about whatever was on her mind, but how could I ever hide something from my best friend ? So, I eventually started telling her about what had happened earlier that morning.

"I'm really concerned for Harry" - I said, "I feel like he's too obsessed with Meghan - his new girlfriend - they have only known each other for a year and he already wants to make her his wife !, I'm more than happy for him if she's really the love of his life, but I've always been hesitant when it comes to dating for a short period of time before getting engaged then married. Our parents only dated 6 months before getting engaged, and now the whole world knows the outcome of that marriage.. but I don't think they're aware of the consequences that left on me and on my brother. I don't want this tragedy to be repeated, neither do any of my family.. we're all wishing he would take it a bit slow with her, just so some innocent children don't have to live with our same traumas" - Catherine nodded in agreement before suggesting that I voice my concerns to him, I laughed, loudly, because that was exactly what I'd done that morning. I continued : "I communicated that to him this morning, but he lashed out on me telling me that I'm standing in the way between him and his happiness. That man has changed so much since last year, he used to accept my advice as an older brother, now he doesn't see my worries for him anymore !".

Catherine didn't know what to say, she just kept rubbing her hand across my chest as she laid her head on it. Meanwhile I was thinking about that incident, when Meghan was annoyed about how my wife only kissed her on the cheek without giving her a hug on their first meeting, Harry then told me that she labeled her as unfriendly and unwelcoming. I just saw it as petty, my wife did what she felt comfortable doing when meeting her for the first time & all what she got was shame for how shy and reserved she usually acts when meeting new people ! - the event of Meghan becoming his wife, probably meant that she'd keep up with that silly behavior & it just hurt me thinking about it, but there was nothing I could do !

Catherine finally broke the silence right before my thoughts were about to suffocate me, "I had something to tell you, but maybe now isn't the right time, we can talk about it later !" - she said. My mind then went back to her smile and excitement at the beginning & I found myself begging her to tell me what it was, purely because I felt terrible for dimming her light. She gave in and began telling me about her morning & what she did while I was away with Harry.

"George and Charlotte were going crazy after breakfast, running around each other, screaming and shouting everywhere - my head was about to explode. After I eventually calmed them down, I started picking up the mess they made and for some reason I felt very sick from the smell of their Play-Doh on the ground. I even rushed to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to throw up.. thankfully I didn't, but after giving it some thought, I took a test and.. I'm pregnant !" 

I could not believe it, I forgot all about Harry and my worries the moment I heard that we're going to have yet another baby ! I was overjoyed that I wrapped Catherine in my arms, I almost lifted her off the ground. Little did I know that this little baby and my family, were going to be my strength in the following months and years !

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