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A good seven months passed since Harry and myself had our big fallout, which led to Meghan and himself moving away to Windsor. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a bit relieved because of the fact that they weren't as close to my family anymore, but that unfortunately did not mean that it was all sunshine and rainbows.

At this point, the media became way too involved in our business & rumors and accusations would not leave us alone. People were split between two teams, those supporting me and Catherine & those supporting Harry and Meghan.. yes, "Sussex squad" - which were funded by my brother and his wife, to basically be their cheerleaders and the ones to blow up any rumors as soon as they were planted.

It became a consistent occurrence in our lives that every couple of weeks, Meghan would come up with a new extravagant theory, inform her supporters about it, pay them & then they'd spread it all over the internet. Throughout my life, I've learned not to let whatever was said in the media affect me but this time it was different.. it wasn't just random people who didn't know me saying some bullshit about me, it was a family member and that didn't sit well with me.


Christmas time was approaching and sadly, the previous two festive seasons made me dread that time of year. I was used to Christmas being a peaceful season, where I got to spend time with my loved ones.. but since Harry brought his wife into that happy time, it hasn't been the same. Now, when I think about Christmas.. I think about silly tantrums, unnecessary drama and childish attention seeking.

I wasn't looking forward to anything about that time in 2019, because I believed that it will be even more troublesome but.. that changed when I was informed that my brother and his wife decided to spend Christmas that year in Canada where Meghan used to live previously. When I heard the news, I felt like I could finally enjoy that time like I used to.. but my happiness wasn't meant to last long.


After spending a lovely couple of weeks, and just as we were going back into our normal lives and our work.. specifically on January 8th, 2020. We were just as surprised as everyone else by a social media post from Harry and Meghan, informing people that they'd be stepping down as senior members of the royal family and that they'd move to North America to pursue a normal and a private life.

All of a sudden my phone was blowing up with tons of calls from family members, this type of change in the work dynamic of the family needed planning and preparations.. but the ignorant couple decided to throw the bomb and leave, without even bothering to inform us about their decision.

What made it worse is the fact that immediately after they announced the news, so much hate was coming towards us as a family and as an institution.. my mind was literally divided between dealing with the enormous attack from the media & figuring out the mess my brother and his wife had made. Somehow, in the midst of this division.. I found one thing in common between the two dilemmas, and it was that Harry and Meghan were the reason for them both.
Do you now understand why Meghan has been planting rumors and paying her fans to spread them ? it is because she wanted all the fingers to be pointed at us the moment she took that step.. she wanted to seem like the victim when she left, so that when the truth comes out about her, it would seem unbelievable.

That night, after literally begging Harry to come have a conversation with us.. a date was set for our family meeting, or what was later known as the "Sandringham Summit". The days from January 8th, till January 13th.. were tough to say the least. It was especially hard on January 9th, my love's birthday.. my heart shattered for her when she got death threats instead of birthday wishes. I was also frightened of anything happening to her as I didn't know how serious these threats were.. it is truly devastating how my brother, who is now terrified for his wife's safety, would drag another woman through something like this.. just so his Meghan could get what she wants.


That night before the meeting, a million thoughts were going through my head.. but "what could be their next step ?" was the question that deprived  me of my sleep. I knew for a fact that they were definitely going to be more public with their silly and petty actions, I knew they were going to do more things that pointed fingers at us & I knew that they were going to make their hatred for us known.. but nothing could have ever prepared me for the remainder of Meghan's evil plan.

I got up from bed looking like a zombie.. for the last five days it felt like I had been juggling between maintaining my public image & solving my not-so-private family issues. I got into the shower in hopes that a quick cleanse would make me look a bit more human. That was the new dynamic with Harry I guess, making me feel and look like shit because of his actions was his new talent.

After I got dressed, I went outside into the garden to get a breath of fresh air.. I stared at the sky for a few seconds before I heard the voice of Catherine calling my name. When I turned around to see her, I was surprised by how without saying a word.. she just wrapped her arms around me to give me a hug. I hugged her back as I let out a sigh.. she then said : "I know it's not easy and I know that it's very messed up, but you can't do this to yourself, you haven't slept or eaten in almost a week.. can we please have breakfast together before you go ? I've prepared it, please don't let me down !". I agreed to it just because I didn't want to upset her, but in reality, I wasn't in the mood for anything at all.

About 20 minutes later, we were done with our morning meal & it was time for me to leave for Sandringham. I don't know what she did to me, but those few peaceful moments I got to spend with her completely shifted my mood. When we were at the door before I left, I wrapped my hands around the back of her head, I stared into her eyes for a long minute, each of us completely understood the other just by reading their eyes. I finally gave her a long deep kiss before I opened the door and stepped outside.. as I was going into the car, she whispered to me an "I love you" - I gave her a long blink to tell her that I loved her back & then I waved to her and drove off.

That little boost was much needed before what I was about to face..

HEIR - Prince William On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara