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After I managed to get up from that chair & after an attempt to make myself look presentable.. I went to host a meeting with the crisis & PR management teams, as they were already aware of the rumors and they were working on figuring out their source.

As I entered the room, I could see in everyone's eyes that they knew who planted this falsehood in the media.. but for some reason, they didn't want to directly tell me who it was. For the first twenty-five minutes of the meeting or so, they kept going over whether Catherine and I should or shouldn't publicly respond to these allegations, but that's not what I came for - it is well known that I never let the media in, because I know that once I open that door, I can never close it.. I came to that meeting room, simply to know who wanted to paint me as a cheater.

After the 30 minute mark passed, I became frustrated and I demanded to know who did it, because I knew that they all knew, it was clear as day. Finally, one of them spoke up : "your royal highness, we've unfortunately discovered that it's someone from inside the palace", "who, a staff member ?" - I asked. I was then faced with a moment of awkward silence as he tried to gather his words, "it's a group of people on Twitter - a fandom, I can call them - who initially spread the rumor, they did so because they were funded & it is by.. someone.. it's one of your family members sir".

I was shocked to say the truth, but I immediately knew who it was.. "my sister in law, isn't it ?", everyone in the room nodded. The meeting ended by another one of the attendees, trying to reassure me that it was under control by saying : "please don't worry sir, we are working on controlling the situation. We have contacted Mrs. Rose Hanbury and apologized for her involvement in such scandal - she was just as stunned as yourself by such allegations - and we have also informed the Duchess of Cambridge about the source of rumors and their absolute falsity, her royal highness is actually waiting to meet you privately outside the room".

Even though they tried to manage the situation, I wasn't very at ease about its potential consequences - but on the other side, I was very happy to know that the truth was brought to light for Catherine and I was looking forward to meeting her. So, I wrapped up the meeting by thanking everyone & apologizing for the inconvenience caused by these rumors and then after everyone left, I was finally able to walk to the other room to meet my wife.


When I opened the door, I found Catherine standing at the other side of the room, but she wasn't being her normal self.. her head was tilted to the ground and her arms were crossed, she seemed really shy and embarrassed. When she realized that I had entered the room, she slowly lifted her eyes towards me before speaking up with the faintest voice and saying : "I know my apology wouldn't be enough & I know that I'd have to spend a long time making up for what I said and did last night. I was controlled by my anger and I was very impulsive, I didn't have time to think or rationalize, which was a big mistake. I understand if you don't want to forgive me, but I'm sorry, I really am".

"Come here, darling" - I said. The moment she came near me I wrapped her in my arms, giving her a very tight hug, specifically that one I was craving the previous night. She hugged me back as she repeated : "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry". "Shush, please stop" - I replied. "I'm the one who should be sorry.. I'm sorry for ever making you doubt my love for you" - I continued. Catherine began shaking her head in disapproval of my words, "I know that you absolutely do, that's what makes my mistake a thousand times worse".

"If we keep this going we'll go on all day, whoever is wrong, it's okay, now let's leave it behind us.. because if these rumors affect us, Meghan would be getting exactly what she's hoping for, a fallout between us and a strain on our relationship.. but we're so much stronger than this, aren't we ?" - I asked. Catherine nodded in response before saying : "I love you so much Wills". "I love you too my babykins" - I replied. I then gave her a kiss on the forehead, before we sadly ended that long hug.

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