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After less than a week of Catherine's apology to Meghan, she felt extremely tired that one evening, it was back and belly pain, loose-feeling joints..etc.. we knew exactly what that meant as we were on our third child. After checking with professionals, I was able to drive my wife to the hospital later that night and she was admitted there, that was pretty much our last evening as a family of four.

The next morning, we welcomed our second baby boy into the world. After the birth I sat next to Catherine as she was on the hospital bed, she looked so peaceful and graceful as she held our little baby.. I couldn't help but smile at them, "how did I get so lucky ?" - I wondered. I then gave her a little kiss and slid my arm around her shoulders to hug her, "I'm so proud of you, you're the strongest woman I know !" - I said. She smiled at me, and so did our little boy.. somehow he understood how in love we were with each other and with him.

A couple of hours later, as the crowds and cameras were gathered outside, I went out to go pick up George and Charlotte to meet their new sibling. When I finally made it back to the hospital room with them, we found Catherine dressed up, sitting upright on the bed with her new baby in her arms.. George shyly hugged me and smiled when he saw them, while Charlotte ran to Catherine screaming  : "mummy.. baby..". I then carried them both on the bed next to my wife, so they could see him up close.. "he's so cute !" - said George. "I love him so much" - added Charlotte. It was an adorable sight.. I took a picture of the four of them next to each other on my phone.. it's definitely one of my favorite photographs to this day, my whole world in one picture.

Later that day, after introducing our new baby at the hospital gate, we were able to go home the same day - it always fascinated me how much of a superhero wife I have, I love her !


Catherine was understandably on maternity leave in the time before Harry and Meghan's wedding, but Meghan struggled to understand how going through the most excruciating pain a human can experience would stop her from following her demands. Charlotte's flower girl dress was sent to our home about a week before the wedding, it was too big when she tried it on this time.. so Catherine simply texted Meghan to inform her that the dress was too baggy to the point it had to be remade & that they had to figure out what to do about the situation - to her surprise, Meghan brushed her off, she told her that it's not her problem and that she can figure it out herself.

Catherine wasn't too offended because she understood that wedding preparations can be overwhelming, so she quietly went with Charlotte to where Meghan directed her - surprisingly, she found her there mingling with other ladies - who were mothers of little girls that were flower girls as well - so she wasn't so busy after all.

After saying hi and briefly going over the problem again with Meghan, Catherine found the soon-to-be wife of my brother belittling her when she said : "don't you think you're too concerned about this matter ? Here are other mothers who aren't making a big deal out of it like you are !" - it surprised my wife how much she didn't care about the preparations for her own wedding, especially that part of it which the whole world was going to see, so she simply said "I'm sorry that I am putting in an effort to help make your wedding day special", apparently that statement was accompanied by a little frustrated impression, which led Meghan to insult my wife when she told her that "she must have baby brain because of her hormones" - at that moment, Catherine's face turned red, she was about to cry, "you talked about my hormones, we are not close enough for you to speak about my hormones" - that's all she said before leaving the dress to her & then completely leaving the room.

That night Harry called me to complain about how the fact that my wife couldn't take a silly joke offended Meghan, at this point all I could tell him was to f*ck off.

We didn't talk until the night before the wedding as he surprisingly still insisted that I be his best man, I didn't really want to but he was still my young brother, so just for these few hours, I allowed myself to forget about all the pain he's been causing me since Meghan came into his life & I went on with it..


On May 19th, 2018.. their royal wedding took place, I mean the most modernized version of a royal wedding I have seen in my 35 years of being a royal. It was all of course under Meghan's demand and my family didn't dare suggest any traditions or formalities that we were all obliged to have in every single one of our weddings, Meghan would have cried like a baby if we ruined 'her image of a perfect wedding' by simply asking her to consider and respect our culture and history. The end result was a choir at a chapel renditioning a modern song instead of a religious hymn, the archbishop calling the bride and groom by their nicknames as he wed them & a bishop from an American-based church preaching at their wedding, how lovely, how royal.

At the reception Catherine and I mostly sat at the table together without joining the party, I was pissed after Harry's comment during his speech to his new wife earlier in the day.. he pretty much said that Meghan had replaced our mother for him, it sounds romantic to many.. but because I - before everyone else - knew Meghan's obsession with our mum and how much she didn't only want to be like her, she actually wanted to replace her in Harry's private and public life, the only way I saw this was Harry giving her the green flag to take her place.

Another reason we stayed behind was because of the fact that Meghan's friends weren't celebrating her because she got married but because she officially became related to royalty, 'congrats princess' and 'oh my god you're now a member of one of the most famous families', was how most of the guests spoke, everyone knew her intentions and her plan but somehow they saw it as normal and they encouraged it. Anyways, that was pretty much the day I lost my brother forever...

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