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My father and I arrived at the same time in the grounds of Sandringham estate.. as we got out of our cars he threw me a "good morning, William !", "good ?" - I replied with a chuckle. He shrugged his shoulders with a funny expression on his face.

I then went on to give him a kiss on the cheek.. afterwards, he looked me straight in the eyes and started speaking to me in a serious tone, "I just wanted to tell you this before we go in.." - he said. "Your grandmother and I are going to try to be as civil as possible during the conversation, we might throw in some tender words in an attempt to reduce his anger.. but this does not mean that we actually mean them. We're on your side William, we're on the family's side.. we're just trying to come out with the least amount of losses" - he continued.

I didn't know if I agreed with their plan.. I was torn.. part of me saw their point, part of me knew that Harry had turned into a little child under Meghan's control & I knew that some sweet talk and some empty promises would shut him up for a while. But the other part of me was sure that he'd come back crying again at the nearest opportunity, and this time.. that plan wouldn't work. For the time being though.. I decided to play the game with them to the best of my ability, "fine, I guess" - I said to my father, before we both went in to meet the queen.


A few minutes after being welcomed by my grandmother, Harry entered the room, fuming with anger.. I never thought the face of a redhead could get any more red.

"Good morning Harry, why so angry ?" - that's how the queen proceeded to start the conversation. My brother looked at her confused.. "I mean aren't we supposed to be the angry ones ?" - she clarified. When I said I had a savage grandmother, that's what I meant.

"I'm angry because you've been treating us terribly and disrespecting us and now you're playing the victim, that's why I'm angry !" - Harry replied angrily. I gave him a "seriously ?" look, we all did. "We tried to make you comfortable and happy as much as we possibly could, we're sorry that our effort wasn't enough for you" - said my grandmother.

Harry was about to explode, but that's when my father intervened.. "It's okay, of course we've made mistakes in our lives, aren't we human after all ?" - he said. "Now, how can we help you in your new life ?" - he continued. "Just support me and Meghan in building our Sussex Squad brand, that is all we're asking of you" - Harry replied. I couldn't contain my anger at that moment and I shouted : "are you really up to any good with it Harry ?", before he could say anything my father intervened again, "William !" - he strictly scolded me. "Sorry, Harry" - he apologized. "We'll take that into consideration, depending on what you decide to do with it.. for now, I just want you to know that Meghan and yourself are still a part of the family and I will do my best to emotionally and financially help you with settling into your new life" - he continued.

"Thank you pa" - said Harry. My grandmother then said a loud "but", Harry looked concerned.. "but you can't be half in, half out Harry.. you are either a working member of the royal family or you're an independent individual" - she continued. My brother wasn't happy with this rule to say the least, he wanted the privileges of being a senior royal even if he wasn't one anymore. "You can't have the best of both worlds Harry, you made the decision to leave this life with both its disadvantages and its privileges, you can't pick and choose what you want and what you don't want from it" - I said to him after he threw a little tantrum. "If you were the one to take that step, you would have been provided the best of both worlds, you just don't want to give me that because I'm Harry the spare.." - he angrily replied to me. My grandmother was quick to get angry with him and put him in his place."It's always you defending him, never me" - he whispered.

My grandmother heard but instead of reacting she decided that it was going to end right then and there.. "anything else you'd like to go over Harry ?" - she asked. My brother shook his head, and with that everyone else - except for me - wished him the best in his new life and left. I just said a cold hearted goodbye, I couldn't get myself to say any heartfelt words, because there wasn't.

Harry realized that & he ran after me like a kid as I was going towards the car to leave. "No special goodbye for your little brother William ?" - he said. "You were my brother Harry, it's not the same anymore.. goodbye" - I replied. I then got my phone out of my pocket to text Catherine, and yet again I find the picture of my mother staring at me on my wallpaper.. "I'm sorry" - I said in my heart. "I'm sorry it's not how you wanted it to be.. but it's not my fault & I'm now just as heartbroken as you are" - my thoughts continued.


About a month passed and we began to hear of the coronavirus pandemic, I famously joked that it wouldn't be anything serious.. you should have watched me two months later as I struggled to breathe.

When I was secretly battling the virus in April of 2020, I started getting hints to what Harry and Meghan were actually up to with their brand & it made me furious, relieved and anxious all at the same time. I was furious because as I had expected, they were going to bash us as a family and portray us as the villains. I was relieved that it had to be postponed because of the pandemic. But, I was anxious because I knew that whether I liked it or not.. it was eventually going to happen.

HEIR - Prince William Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon