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A few months passed and the wedding was approaching, and while to the world it seemed like everything was going smoothly, chaos was all over our lives. Tantrums were being thrown everyday at the palace, and while I wish it was by a little baby, it was by this fully grown adult called Meghan. Nothing ever pleased her, she was offered the best of everything, but she was always greedy and she always wanted more.. when choosing the tiara she was going to wear for her wedding, she literally left all the options provided and she begged for this emerald headdress that came from Russia.. my grandmother was willing to lend her anything but this piece, because there was scandal attached about which Tsarist princess had worn the tiara and how she had been assassinated. That wouldn't have put the palace or Meghan in a positive light, but that's something she could not understand, she just wanted the bigger and the brighter diamonds. It took endless arguments until she was convinced to choose another one.

This wasn't the only argument sadly.. there were many more, for example those ones which used to take place during her dress fittings.. people present around the room would hear her screaming at the designers and seamstresses about how she hated everything about their work & how they should do better, with absolutely no regard to either their hard work or their emotions.

I'm not saying I was fine with this, but I couldn't really intervene at that point as it wasn't really my business.. until this one morning, when my heavily pregnant wife took our daughter to a dress fitting for the little flower girls, she came back looking distressed but I thought this was only because it was getting more difficult for her to move around, especially with her growing belly.

"Hi love" - I said when I opened our apartment door for her, "looks like our little boy is making mummy a bit tired today !" - I continued. Catherine didn't say anything really, she just nodded before giving me a quick kiss then immediately going into our bedroom, without a single word. My Charlotte was left with me though, so I lifted her up in between my arms and before I could ask her about her day, I found her hugging me, so tightly, it wasn't the sort of hug she'd give me when she misses me, it was that one she'd give when something is wrong - so I immediately asked : "what's wrong my mignonette ?!", "am I ugly, papa ?" - she asked. "Of course not my sweetheart, what makes you think that ?!", everything went blurry when I heard her say : "auntie Meghan said that !".

I quickly put Charlotte down before going to Catherine to ask for confirmation about what I'd just heard, but how I found her said it all - she was at the side of the bed, wiping away her tears. "How dare she say my baby is chubby, she's freaking adorable !!" - she said when she saw me. I was about to get angry, I was on the edge of losing it, but I held it together and I called Charlotte into the room.. when she came we sat her between us on the bed & we began to tell her just how beautiful she is, how mummy and papa think she's the most adorable little girl and how the words of a heartless woman should never define her.

That evening I called Harry to discuss the situation, and I was surprised at not only how he gaslighted me and disregarded my feelings but at how he turned the situation around to make it look like Catherine and Charlotte were the ones to cause a problem ! "Charlotte was whining about how the dress didn't fit her & Cath was trying to help, but it all caused a great inconvenience as it interrupted the process, Meg is really disappointed, she even cried, your wife was really embarrassing herself when she paused everything to pay attention to her daughter, everyone had places to be and things to do.. so to save time, Meghan just said that Charlotte is chubby and she probably needs a bigger size, she meant it in a cute way, I think you should be less sensitive Wills !" - that's what he said to me.. at that point I lost it on him, did he really believe what he was saying ?!

In the following weeks there was zero contact between my brother and I & Catherine and Charlotte stopped going to the dress fittings as they were "too much of an inconvenience", but that would change when my grandmother called my wife a few days before she went into labor, she mentioned how Meghan kept on going about how she has been rude to her and how she doesn't even talk to her anymore.

Then my sweet Catherine - even though she fully knew that what Meghan had said is utter nonsense - still insisted on making peace with her after that phone call. One afternoon after finishing work at her office, she payed Meghan a visit in Harry's cottage, she brought her flowers and proceeded to apologize as if the blame was all hers. Unsurprisingly, Meghan accepted the gift and the apology with a cold smile, she didn't really seem convinced, but there's nothing more my wife could have done !

HEIR - Prince William Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ