9. I'm Fine

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Charlie's POV

I woke up in the hospital an hour later.

My head was ringing.

"Charlie!" My mom shouted through tears from beside me.

The lights overhead were blinding.

"Hi." I managed to say.

"Oh darling. What happened?" My mom cried.

"Easy, Harper. He just woke up." Dad said over her shoulder.

"Quit telling me what to do? John." My mother growled.

"What happened?" My mom asked again.

The unfortunate event of what happened came back to me. Joey beating me up, believing I had something to do with him being kicked off of the team.

"Kid from school. He, uh. He confronted me." I barely said.

The sound of the metal baseball bat cracking against my leg still haunting my mind.

I looked down at my right leg, feeling a sharp pain.

"Ouch." I moaned, shifting uncomfortably in my bed.

"Who did this?!" My mom interrogated.

"Joey." Was all I managed to say as my eyelids fell closed.


The following morning was met with excruciating pain.

A nurse named Jaz was currently explaining my injuries to my parents.

"His right leg was fractured, and his nose appears to be broken. He also sustained serious bruises on his ribs and he has a concussion."

"Will he be alright?" My mom asked concernedly.

"He will be fine Mrs Harrington. He might need to be confined to a wheel chair until the swelling goes down, at which point we can apply a cast to his injuries."

My mom practically sobbed.

I croaked out a yawn.

"Charlie! You're awake. Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, mom." I lied. The truth was far from it.

My chest was sore, as was my leg and, well, just about my entire body.

"I can't believe someone would do this to you."

"Who did it son?" Dad asked. "Who is Joey?"

"Joey Turner. Some guy from school."

"Why would he do this?" Mom asked.

"He thinks I told the principal that he was bullying me. He got suspended from the football team and decided to take it out on me."

"We'll see how that little bastard likes a criminal record!"

My eyes widened in shock. Never have I ever, in all my years of breathing, heard my mother cuss like that.

Surprisingly, I was cleared to go home later that day, as long as my parents agreed to keep an eye on me all night.

When we arrived at home, Ella and Clayton were waiting on the front porch.

My dad got the wheel chair out of the back of the vehicle whilst my mom quickly rushed to unlock the door. "Come on now, up you get." My dad encouraged, helping me out of the car and into the wheel chair.

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