41. Never Have I Ever...

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Charlie's POV

"What the fuck!?"

Nora and Clayton were making out? What the actual heck!

They distanced themselves from each other, their faces filled with shock.

This was not how I imagined my birthday going.

"Charlie-" Nora attempted to say something as I turned on my heels, slamming her bedroom door before I flounced my way downstairs.

A singular thought kept replaying in my head.

What the hell!

What the hell, what the hell, what in the actual hell!

"Charlie! Wait, what's wrong?" Ella approached me as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

I didn't reply. Instead, I made my way to the kitchen to pour myself a drink.

I really needed a drink.

So Nora was Clayton's mystery girlfriend? I couldn't believe it.

"Charlie?" Ella worried.

"Did you know?" I asked her after downing half a cup of vodka and soda.

"Know what?"

"That Nora and Clayton are hooking up."

Her jaw dropped as she cupped her mouth with both of her hands. I'll take it as a sign that she did not know.

"Oh my god!"

My mind went back to before I interrupted their make out session.

Ryan had told me to wait. The way he spoke, it was urgent, as if he were almost warning me that whatever was behind the door would disturb me.

I looked at him. "Did you know?"

"Huh?" He played dumb, averting his gaze away from me.

"Did you know?" I repeated, this time was with a patient hint of anger.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to say something. I just didn't think it was my place to."

Great, another betrayal.

Okay, maybe I'm just overreacting.

Am I overreacting?

Shouldn't I be angry? Not only were my sister and best friend secretly hooking up, my boyfriend knew about it and didn't tell me.

"I think you should leave."

His face fell. "Charlie, please."

"You heard him!" Ella gestured to the door.

I didn't bother watching him leave, instead, I turned around to mix another drink before heading to the heart of the party outside.

Ella was right beside me.

"Are you okay?" She wondered.

"I will be. Now let's get drunk." I smiled.

"Wait, where is Tom?" I asked.

"He stayed home. He has to get up early tomorrow for some interview or something." She explained over the loud backyard music.

Ella and I danced the night away, well, for another hour at least, by that time, most of the party people had left to go to another party that was being hosted by a senior at St Griffiths. Only a group of people remained, Ella and I included, along with the two traitors.

"So, should we play a game?" Ella asked the group.

"What game?" I asked her.

"Oh, I know! We should play Never have I ever!" A blonde girl suggested excitedly. I want to say her name is Karen? Maybe Kara?

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