17. Cotton Candy

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Charlie's POV

"For today's lesson: finish the formula. On the worksheet in front of you is a specific formula that is unfinished. It's up to you to find the correct ending to the equation." Mrs Dandry explained.

"But here is the tricky part. You only get one shot at doing the actual formula."

Huh? How the heck is that going to work?

"Work out the equation beforehand, there's a clue in the worksheet, it's hard to find. But I have faith that all of you will complete this task with ease."

"What happens if we get it wrong? Will it affect our grades?" Another student asked.

"No, this is just an exercise. You will be graded on this task, but it will not affect your average grades."

I dived straight into reading the worksheet, going over every single word that was printed down, twice.

"Don't forget to put on protective gear before you start." Mrs Dandry reminded the class.

Great, now I have to crutch all the way to the front to get some gear.

I waited for all of the other students in the class to grab their gear first so that I could go to the front without getting in anyone's way. I grabbed myself a pair of goggles, a lab coat and gloves.

I planned out the formula on my head, trying to figure out the missing equation. Mrs Dandry said that there's a clue in the worksheet. I reread the worksheet a couple of times, searching for this mysterious clue.


I looked over to see if by some miracle Ace had figured out the formula, but he was just doodling on the worksheet.

Of course he is.

I rolled my eyes and opened up my science notebook to jot down some possible formulas. After I was certain I'd found the right one, I began to create it using a test tube and the proper ingredients.

I was only fifty-five percent certain i had the right formula in mind.

I reached for the last ingredient to complete the formula when I saw Ace out of the corner of my eye, reaching to put something in the test tube.

"Stop!" I shouted as Ace dropped something into the formula.

What an idiot!

I braced for impact as it began to slightly sizzle. After a moment, I opened my eye to see that it had settled.

Oh, he had the right ingredient?

Who knew the bad boy was actually smart?

I looked over at him, and he was just as surprised as I was. Then it erupted like a volcano, its chemical contents splattering everywhere.

He began laughing. "How was that funny?"

"I don't want to be inappropriate."

I furrowed my brows, temporarily confused before realising what he was referring to. The way the formula discharged from the test tube.


I angrily shoved him in the arm. "You're an immature idiot!"


That afternoon, Ella had invited Clayton and I to go and hang out with her and Tom at the Mall. There was a fancy new arcade there that Ella wanted to show us.

Clayton picked me up half-an-hour after school had ended for the day.

I no longer needed a cast on my nose, and I still wasn't used to walking everywhere on crutches.

"You look better without that nose cast." Clayton commented when i hopped into the passenger seat, throwing my crutches over to the back seat.

"One cast off, one more to go." I said.

"Where's Olivia?" I wondered.

"Oh, I broke up with her."

"Really?" It was hard to believe. I mean, they argued a lot, and she wasn't the kindest person, but he was annoyingly in love with her.

"Yep." He said, starting the car and taking off.

We listened to our favourite songs on the drive over, singing at the top of our lungs before we came to a halt in the parking lot.

It took us awhile to find Ella, who was already stuffing her face in cotton candy. "Can I have some?" Clayton asked as we approached her.

"Go get your own!" She smacked his hand away.

"Get me one too while you're at it." I stood uncomfortably on my crutches.

"Let's go find the guys, shall we?" Ella took a bite of her cotton candy.

Guys? Did she just say Guys, plural?

"Who exactly are the guys?"

"Tommy, Ryan and Ace."


"What is Ace doing here?" I wondered, following Ella further into the arcade.

"Oh, him and Tom are friends."

Great, so now I have to deal with him outside of school?

We arrived to the group just as they were boasting about whatever game they had just finished playing.

"Hello, Charlotte." Ace smirked at me.

I wanted to punch him, again.

I didn't bother responding, instead, I found myself an empty chair to sit in. The one leg I can walk on is killing me.

"I didn't know what flavor you wanted so I just got you a classic." Clayton stated, handing me a stick of cotton candy.

I instantly shoved a handful of it into my mouth.

Literal heaven in my mouth.

"Thank you." I said as the cotton candy dissolved in my mouth.

"Now, let's play some games!" Ella encouraged, though all I wanted to do was go back home.

Ella and Tom went to play air hockey, Whilst Clayton went to play some virtual reality car game.

"Verse you at air hockey?" Ace approached me, still wearing that smirk.

I gestured to my broken leg.

"It's not that hard, all you have to do is defend the goal thingy." He explained.

"Not really in the mood."

His face fell, which kind of made me feel bad.

"I'll verse you." Ryan told Ace, giving me a one second look before starting towards the air hockey table.

Was he mad at me?

I finished off the cotton candy, watching from where I sat. Ella and Tom were being all romantic with each other, which made me cringe. Clayton was enjoying the virtual reality car game, and both Ace and Ryan were amused at the hockey table.

An awful feeling overcame me.

I felt sad and alone.

And I have no idea why.

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