52. A Modern Day Casanova

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Charlie's POV

"Are you coming to watch the game?" Ryan asked me the very next day as we were seated down at our usual place on the school's front lawn for lunch.

Today the cafeteria served cheese burgers with a side of carrot fries and a salad. I stirred my salad with a fork as I started to speak.

It was time to break up with him.

"I... uh..." The words could not slip out of my mouth.

"I can't, I have a family thing." I lied.

It's probably a good idea I don't break up with him before he has to play in front of a bunch of people.

"Oh, that's too bad." He took a massive bite of his cheese burger.

I furiously stabbed into the salad with a fork.

Why did he have to say those words. God, it only made this so much more harder than it already would have been. When I imagined hearing those words for the first time, it wasn't in a relationship that had only started a few months prior.

He ruined everything.

And to make me feel even worse than I already did, Ace hated me.

"So, I was thinking about the Christmas sleepover, and we should definitely do it at my place." Ella said as she slid into the seat on the opposite side of Ryan and I, Clayton and Tom sliding in either side of her.

"Wait, Christmas sleepover? Can I come?" Tom asked.

"Sorry, babe." Ella kissed Tom on the cheek. "But no boyfriends allowed."

Tom gave her a pout before leaning in to kiss her on the lips.

"Alright, guys. Get a room." Clayton said.

"I don't know if I can, my grandparents are coming over for Christmas this year." I said.

"Margaret and Otis are coming this year? Okay, i guess we don't have to have a sleepover. But I'm definitely coming over to your place for some of your Nana's famous Christmas cookies." Ella stated.

Ah, Nana Margaret's Christmas cookies, the most delicious cookies that I have ever tasted. For as long as I can remember, Nana has always sent a box of her famous Christmas cookies over every Christmas, along with a bunch of presents from her and Grandpa Otis.

"Count me in!" Clayton said.

"Okay." I continued to stir my salad with a fork.

"Wait, since you guys aren't doing the sleepover anymore, does that mean I can come try some of these cookies?" Tom wondered, looking to me for an answer.

"Uh, yeah sure. I'll tell Nana to bake extra."

"I wish that I could join, I've gotta head out of state for Christmas for the annual Woodsen family reunion." Ryan said.

I'm actually glad he didn't ask if he could come, seeing as I plan on breaking up with him long before Saint Nick comes to town.

I developed a plan.

After the football game is over, I'll sent him a text saying that we need to talk. Then, I'll let him down gently.

"I hope your Grandpa makes his special eggnog again." Clayton added, taking a gulp from his water bottle.

"I highly doubt it. Not after last time when he got all of us drunk." I said nonchalantly.

That was only a few years ago. Grandpa Otis had added a little too much brandy to a batch of eggnog, there were two batches, and Ella, Clayton and I accidentally took the wrong batch. Of course, by the time we realised, we were drunk. Since then, my mother said that eggnog was no longer allowed underneath her roof, or someone would definitely end up with a sharpened candy cane in their ribs.

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