40. Coulrophobia

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Charlie's POV

My parents gave me a list of demands before they each gave me a hug and took off.

- Don't stay up too late
- No Alcohol!
- Don't do drugs!
- Keep the party simple.
- No loud music.
- No one is allowed upstairs!
- Make sure nobody breaks anything.

Of course, Ella was already making plans to break a few of those rules.

"So, my cousin can get us some alcohol, only if you want?"

I looked over at her. "Sure. As long as I'm not paying." I smiled.

"Of course not, it's your birthday! I'll pay." She whipped out her phone and began texting her alcohol dealer.

We spent the past half an hour party proofing the house: hiding anything that can break. The last thing I need is my mom coming home and killing me because her precious China collection is broken.

"What did you get for your birthday?" Ella asked.

"My parents got me the new PlayStation, and Nora bought me a pendulum." I replied.

"A pendulum? Is that one of those things that you always see in therapy scenes on tv?"

"Yeah. Guess she thinks I need therapy."

Ella chuckled.

"Do you think Clayton's mysterious girlfriend will come tonight?" I wondered.

"I hope so. What if she's like a celebrity?"

I laughed. Classic Ella, always so dramatic.

"What? You never know."

"What else do we need to do?" I asked.

Ella stood up and clasped her hands together. "We should go out and buy some snacks, cups and all that stuff."



Later that night, the party was in full swing.

The backyard was where the main party was, but the house was still scattered with people who were dancing, mingling and drinking out of cheap plastic cups.

I made my way to the backyard, hoping to find someone that I actually knew.

"Happy birthday, Charlie!" A girl from my English class hugged me.

She was definitely wasted, and I didn't have to smell the alcohol on her breath to know it.

"Thanks." I put on my best smile and continued to the backyard.

Ella had lined it with Christmas lights that she had dug up out my garage. I protested, of course, but she decided it would make the party better, somehow.

Apparently she's an expert.

Upbeat electronic music was playing through the speakers, and people were dancing to it.

"Charlie! There you are!" Ella linked her arm with mine. "I've been looking all over for you!"

She began to lead me back into the house. "Clayton and I have a surprise for you!" Ella beamed mischievously.

God, it better not be a birthday prank.

It's going to be a birthday prank, isn't it?

We arrived into the dining area to see a cake on the table with seventeen lit candles on top.

Happee Birthdae Charlie! Was written on it. It looked exactly like the birthday cake Hagrid got Harry Potter for his eleventh birthday.

I can't believe I have to hear the birthday song twice in one day.

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