29. Charizard

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Charlie's POV

That night, my parents were arguing about the temperature of their steak.

Sometimes I think that I might have been adopted, simply because of the difference in food tastes that I have compared to my family.

For example, my entire family loved steak, when it's cooked to their preferred temperature, whereas I hated it. The last and first time that I had tried it was when I was ten, and not to be dramatic, but it tasted worse than hell-charred toast.

So, while the rest of my family had steak on their plates with roast potatoes, gravy and a variety of steamed vegetables, my mother had gone out of her way to make me a grilled cheese with garlic butter. Of course, she decided to add broccoli on the side.

"I told you i wanted it to be medium rare! Not over cooked." My mother argued to my dad.

"It's not over cooked, it's just a little burnt on the outside."

I took a bite from my grilled cheese, hoping that the crunch was enough to block out their argument.

It wasn't.

Meanwhile, Nora sat on the opposite side of me and would not stop staring at me.

The minute I had gotten home from our lunch at Harpy's, I angrily destroyed my diary by putting it in the shredder beneath my homework desk.

"A little burnt? It's disgusting!"

"Nora, you like the steak, don't you?" My dad looked to my sister.


"Nora, you can admit the steak tastes like garbage." My mom spoke.

I set my grilled cheese back on the plate and reached for my crutches.

"Did you not like the grilled cheese?" My mom rose her eyebrows at me.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I said, getting onto my crutches and making my way upstairs to my bedroom as my parents continued arguing about the steak.

When I reached my room and took a seat on my bed, a text came through on my phone.

Hey. Ryan texted.

I typed back a Hey.

What are you doing?

I yawned before responding. Nothing, what about you?


I didn't know what to say to that. Should I ask him how his day went? An ellipsis bubble appeared, indicating that he was typing again.

Do you want to get coffee before school tomorrow?

I thought he didn't want anyone to know about us. What if we see someone from school at The Coffee House, it's not like Ryan and I are the type to be friends with each other.

Would it be just us?


Okay, sure.

Can't wait! See you tomorrow 😊

I slightly chuckled before typing my response.

See you tomorrow 😊

I reached for the remote to turn my tv on when another text came through.

Goodnight Charlie x

I smiled, my heart beating at a quickening pace.

Goodnight, Ryan x

Cinnamon jumped up on my bed and curled himself up beside me when Nora entered my room without knocking.

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