30. Video Games

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Charlie's POV

There are a lot of things that annoy me.

The sound of cutlery scraping against plates, loud chewing, mosquitoes and Ace Caldwell playing Call of Duty.

He offered to give me a ride after school, but I decided that riding on the back of a motorcycle once in my lifetime is enough.

Instead, I asked Ella to drive me home, where I got changed. I then decided to walk on crutches to Ace's house, seeing as it was only a few blocks away.

"You're pretty good at this, for a nerd."

"And you are terrible." I said, clicking the controller furiously.

"No seriously, did you grow up playing video games all the time?" He wondered, holding his controller close to his chin as he pulled the trigger.

"No, I grew up observing astronomical objects with my telescope. Then i broke my telescope and my parents never got me another one because they never believed that I would one day become an astronomer." I frowned, still clicking my controller.

"What's an astronomer?"

"Someone who studies stars and planets and other cool stuff that exists in outer space." I summarised.

"You are such a nerd." He nudged my shoulder.

Normally when people said that to me, it sounded like it was meant to offend me. But the way it came out of his mouth, it sounded oddly nice.

I shot at Ace on the game and killed him, once again winning the game.

"Nooooooo!" He groaned in defeat.

"Sucker!" I cheered.

Ace's room was more organised than I expected. Of course, his bedsheets we're black, as we're his curtains, pillowcases and furniture. And Harry-The-Plant was surprisingly still alive. I'd almost forgotten about the science project.

Knock Knock!

Ace's bedroom door opened, revealing a little kid.

"Acey! Mommy says you have to help me with my homework!" The little boy said before noticing me.

"Oh, hi new person!" He waved with a bright smile on his face.

"Hi." I waved back.

"This is my little brother, Adam. Adam, this is Charlie." Ace introduced us.

"Nice to meet you Charwy."

Aww. I wish I had a little sibling, Nora's just outright annoying.

"Nice to meet you too."

"What happened to your foot?" He wondered.

"Uh, I fell down the stairs." I lied.

"Oh no. Did it hurt?"

"Adam, you can go now." Ace said.

"But I was talking with Charwy!" Adam protested with a pout.

"I'll help you with your homework later, now go." Ace warned.

"Fine!" He huffed before he stomped his way out of the room.

"He's so cute." I laughed.

"He's annoying." Ace groaned.

I nudged him. "Don't be mean. I wish I had a brother, sisters are annoying."

"Yeah, I know."

"Wait, you have a sister too?" I wondered.

"I have a twin sister, Adelaide."

I don't know why that surprised me, it's not like I really knew Ace Caldwell all too well. Only that he rode a motorcycle, liked to wear the color black, smokes cigarettes and drinks cappuccinos, oh and he has a bunch of tattoos.

We sat there for a silent minute before Ace asked me something.

"What is that?"

I followed to where his eyes were looking and I froze.

I had my sleeves rolled up and I didn't even realise.

I quickly pulled my sleeves down and grasped them in my palms.

"Nothing." I said.

"Charlie?" He said my name, his voice so velvety and sincere.

He actually called me by my real name.

Not Charlotte, not Connard or Charizard, but Charlie.

I looked up at him, into those ever so green eyes, my own eyes threatening to well up with tears.

"Did you do that to yourself?" He reached to pull my sleeve back up.

I snatched my arm away from him.


"Stop!" I pushed him away.

"Why would you do that?"

"It's none of your business!" I snapped. "Why can't you just leave me alone instead of talking about things you don't understand. Just leave me alone!" I raged on in the heat of the moment, getting onto my crutches.

"Charlie, please. You shouldn't hurt yourself, there are other ways to cope."

So he's a therapist now?

"Says the guy who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day and gets drunk whenever he wants because he's too scared to deal with his own stupid grief!" I spat, instantly regretting it.

I flinched when he furiously grabbed the collar of my shirt, his hand balled into a fist in the air, ready to punch me straight in the face. My eyes were closed tightly, waiting for his knuckles to collide with my cheek.

I cautiously opened my eyes to look at him. He was breathing quickly with anger before his fury soon turned into sorrow.

His green eyes slightly filled with tears of anger and disappointment.

I inhaled deeply, releasing my breath when he removed his hand from my shirt.

The heat of the moment passed and my face fell.

"Ace-" I stepped towards him.

He took a step away from me, giving me a look that said it all.

I hurt his feelings.

"Get out." He looked away from me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I said get the fuck out."

I did as he ordered, making my way downstairs on my crutches.

Why do I ruin everything?

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