31. What The Fudge?!

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Charlie's POV

"You look miserable." Clayton stated as he took a seat on the edge of my bed.

After walking all the way home on crutches, I spent the rest of the afternoon in bed, staring at the ceiling while in deep thought.

"Yeah." I mumbled downheartedly, sitting up with my back against the headboard.

"What's up?" He wondered.

"Uh, i had a fight with someone." I said vaguely.

"Was it that annoying old lady next door with the scary dog?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "No, not her. And she has a Pomeranian with two legs, how is that scary?"

"It looked at me like it wanted to eat me."

Here I was thinking that Ella was the dramatic component to our friend group.

"Where is Ella?" I wondered.

"I'll text her."

After clicking on his phone, he waited for a response.

"She said that she will be here soon, and that she's kinda busy right now. She also sent the spy girl emoji. What does that mean?"

"She thinks Tom is cheating on her so she's probably spying on him."

"Oh. Should we watch a movie while we wait?"

"Sure." I sat up, ready to get out of bed. "You choose a movie while I make popcorn."

"Wait, how are you going to carry the popcorn back up?" He wondered, gesturing to my broken leg and then to my crutches.

It was a valid point.

"Ok, you can go make the popcorn." I suggested.

"I don't know where you keep the popcorn."

"In the pantry." I rolled my eyes.

"I also don't know how you like popcorn."

I reached for my crutches before saying annoyingly, "Fine! Why don't we both go make the popcorn."

"But who's gonna pick the movie?"

"We can pick a movie after we make the popcorn."

"But then we-"

"We're both going to make popcorn, right now!" I warned.

He sighed and complied.

An hour into watching Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Ella arrived with a frustrated look on her face.

"Is everything okay?" Clayton asked her.

She sat down on the bed and sighed dramatically before saying, "I followed Tommy to see if he was cheating on me, and he went to some random house and a blonde girl answered the door."

"So?" I was so confused.

"She's blonde! Like me!"

"It's probably just his cousin or something." Clayton said.

"I've already met all of his cousins, none of them are that pretty, except for Ryan."

I smiled at the mention of his name. I still couldn't believe that I was dating him, even though it didn't even really feel like we were dating. If anything, we felt like friends who liked each other. If that makes any sense.

"Oh, speaking of Ryan. Did you know that Charlie has a crush on him?" Clayton told Ella.

"Really?" Ella looked into my eyes inquisitively. "I kinda thought you had a thing for Ace."

My heart skipped a beat.

"W-What, no! uh, i-i don't have a thing for Ace!" I stuttered defensively.

"Why not? He's cool, has tattoos, and is way better than Ryan." Clayton said.

"Don't be mean." I shoved him in the arm.

"Wait, so you actually have a crush on Ryan?" Ella wondered.

I wanted to come right out and tell them the truth about Ryan and I, but I told him I wouldn't tell anyone.

"I don't know." Was my response.

"Do you guys want to go out for dinner?" Ella asked.

"Sure." I said.

Clayton just shouted "Shotgun!" and started for the door.

I couldn't stop thinking about Ace, and our argument. The look on his face when I called him out on his grief, and how he almost punched me.

I shook the thought out of my head and made my way downstairs to Ella's car.

"Where are you guys going?" Nora asked from the living room. Mom and Dad both looked over, also curious as to where we were headed.

"We're going out for dinner." I said.

"Ooh, can I come?" Nora gave her best puppy dog eyes and pout.

"Of course!" Ella answered without consulting me.

"Have a good time!" My mom called as we headed out.

"So, where are we going for dinner?" Nora wondered, walking towards Ella's car that was parked in the driveway.

"There's a nice diner over St Griffiths." Ella suggested.

"Oh, I've heard about that place. It sounds so good."

I rolled my eyes. It was weird that Nora was hanging out with me and my friends.

"Shotgun!" Nora called.

"But I already called shotgun." Clayton frowned, moving to the back seat door.

I opened the door to the backseat and put my crutches in. You'd think they would let the guy with a broken leg sit in the passenger seat, but no.

"So, Nora. Can I ask you a question?" Ella asked.

"Sure." Nora smiled.

I took a seat, put on my seat belt then closed the door shut.

"So, my boyfriend has been acting super sketchy, so I followed him and he was at some girl's house. Do you think he's cheating on me?"

I zoned out of their conversation, wondering if Ace was doing okay.

God, I'm so stupid.

Ace is fine. Sure, I made him angry by saying something that was totally uncalled for, but I'm sure he's okay.

Ella's earlier accusation about me liking Ace came to mind. I didn't like him like that, did i? I mean, sure he's a good looking guy who I happen to find very attractive. And sure he's funny and nice to talk to. He's mostly annoying.


I do not have a thing for Ace Caldwell.


An hour and a half later we had finished eating at the twenty-four seven diner in St Griffiths.

"That food was so good!" Ella spoke.

Nora seconded with an agreeing hum.

I could barely eat anything, I was too busy thinking about the Ace of it all. Why couldn't I get him out of my head? There's also Ryan, who hasn't even bothered to text me today.

Maybe he doesn't like me anymore?

"Oh my god." Ella gasped from across the table.

I swear to god, if she is stalking Tom through social media again...

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked over at her.

"Ace was just arrested."

What the fudge?!

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