65. Happy Fudging New Years!

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Charlie's POV

I can't.

The guy was dressed like he was ready for prom.

"Okay, bye!" Ella smiled as she closed the door and locked us inside.

I see what's happening now. Some kind of parent trap confrontation thingy, huh. Well, this isn't fun.

Ace's eyes widened at my new look, his mouth agape. "Wow." He said.

"That bad?" I wondered.

He shifted his feet, quirking his lips. "What? No. It- you look.... Badass."

A smile crept onto my face, temporarily, before falling again.

Well this was awkward.

He walked over to the bed and sat down, his head facing down as he clasped his hands together. I also took a seat down on the bed, leaving an empty space between us.

"I've never been great at being with people, or dating them." He stated, picking nervously at his fingers.

That was my move.

"I'm not a good person. I break hearts and drink way too much alcohol, I'm a shit person, okay."

I see where this is going. He's going to say that we should just be friends and that we will never date.

He's going to break my heart.

Like he has probably done to so many others before.

Silence enveloped us. Well, not complete silence, we could still hear the loud music coming from downstairs, and the obscure shouts of partygoers.

I could feel my heartstrings being plucked at.

Is this what Ryan felt when I broke his heart? Did it hurt like this?

"But I like you. A lot." He said, shyly.

My heart skipped a beat. Nay, multiple beats.

I looked into his eyes. Those beautiful green eyes, bright like a forest, and I was lost in them.

"Really?" I asked, my breath trembling.

"Well, duh." He smirked.

"What does that mean? For us, I mean?" I asked.

He slightly shifted at that question before those green eyes stared into my very soul.

"You're really gonna make me say it?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"Well, duh." I mimicked him.

He chuckled, smiling.

"Do you wanna maybe, be my person? Charmander?"

Again with these terrible nicknames.

I couldn't help but laugh. Looking back on it now, I loved his stupid nicknames, maybe not the Connard one, but all the rest.

I can't believe that Ace Caldwell just asked me out.

I might need beta blockers to calm my heart down.

"Yes!" I beamed!

I was too excited.

I quickly composed myself and acted cool. "I mean, i guess?"

He laughed before pulling me into a soft and mellow kiss.

I kissed him back, passionately before he pulled away an inch. "By the way, I think your new look is hot." He breathed, leaning in for another hot make out session.

"Should we go get drunk now?" I wondered when our lips parted again.

"We definitely should." He kissed me again before we started towards the door.

"Oh, we should probably text Ella to unlock the door." I said.

He rolled his eyes at me, reaching onto Ella's cabinet to retrieve something.

After a moment of fidgeting with the door, it swung open.

"You'll need to teach me how to do that." I told him.

It would truly come in handy for the next time I am trapped in a room.

I guess you could say it turned out to be the best night of my life. Ace and I were together! For real.

We joined the rest of our crew and had a blast.

When midnight came, Ace and I kissed beneath the fireworks. I know, a very rom-com cliché, right?

"Happy Fudging New Years!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

A temporary silence ensued before everyone said the exact same thing and clinked our drinks together.

I couldn't help but wonder....

What happens next?

The End


The time has finally come.

I'm so thankful for all of the love! But all journeys must come to end, no matter how incredible they are.

I've loved reading all of your comments (except for the rude ones, y'all going to hell) and your opinions.

You all had kind things to say, and I'm grateful.

You've been amazing readers.

I hope you loved this story.

And I wish you happiness :)

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