12. Go to Hell

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Charlie's POV

A few days after getting my casts on, I was finally allowed to go back to school. No offence to my parents, but staying at home all day was getting boring. As long as I take it easy, all should be fine.

My mom suggested that she should drive me to school, actually, scratch that, she demanded that she be the one to drive me to school, despite all of my protests.

Ever since I was hospitalised, my mom has been super present. I can't even make a sandwich without her hovering. As if making a sandwich could be considered dangerous.

"I've spoken to all of your teachers, they've agreed to take it easy on you. The Principal even suggested you have a buddy to help you get to classes and whatnot."

"Mom! I don't need someone to hold my hand while I go to class. I'm not a baby." I complained from the passenger seat.

"Don't give me attitude, Charlie. What if someone barges into you and you fall over? You need someone to help you."

I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Mom, I'll be fine!"

"Maybe you should just stay home for another week."


"Fine. I'm just trying to look out for you. You're my baby boy. If anyone hurts you, I will hunt them down."

I laughed. "Jeez Mom."

She stopped the vehicle at the front of the school, where dozens of students were sitting, standing or walking across the lawn.

She hopped out of the car and rushed around to get the crutches out of the back seat before opening my door and helping me out of the car.

"Do you need me to walk you inside?"

"Mom, I'm fine." I said quietly.

"I don't mind."

"Mom, I can walk myself. Bye."

"Alright, have a good day! Love you! See you when we get home from your Aunt Gen's wedding!"

I used my crutches to make my way into school. I could feel all eyes on me.

I bet they're all laughing at the gay nerd who got beat up by the school's most popular quarterback.

"Charlie!" Olivia greeted me, hugging me to death.

"Clay told me what happened. I can't believe it! Joey is such an ass."

"Oh my god, you look terrible." A girl I swear I've never seen before said to me.

"Where's Clay?" I asked Olivia, ignoring her friends that were eyeballing me like I was a puppy.

"He's with Ella and Tom, over at the bleachers." She rolled her eyes.

I sighed.

If I attempted to walk to the bleachers, I wouldn't make it back in time for the bell.

I walked away from Olivia and her annoying friends to go to my locker when Ryan walked alongside me.

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