36. Everyone's Invited!

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Charlie's POV

"You and Ryan are so adorable." Ella squealed as we sat down in homeroom.

I smiled, my mind drifting to Ace. Just when I thought I'd never see him again, he comes back. God.

I wonder if he still hates me.

"So, I have a plan." Ella said, a hint of mischief in her eyes.

"Plan? What plan?"

"The 'find out who Clayton's secret girlfriend is' plan." She tapped her fingernails against the desk.

"Alright, what's the plan?"

"We put a gps tracker on Clayton's car and track his movements. Then, we catch him in the act!"

"You want to catch him having sex?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Not sex!" She smacked my shoulder.

Everyone in the class turned to face us, including the teacher, who did not look happy.

"Uh, what are you all looking at?" Ella scowled.

"Miss Jonson, please do refrain from using vulgar language at school."

I stifled a laugh.

"Uh, shouldn't you be taking attendance?" Ella quipped, causing my jaw to drop.

"Excuse me?"

Ella stood her ground, clearly unafraid of getting suspended or a detention.

"She's sorry, Uh. She's just upset because, of..." I looked at Ella, not entirely sure what to say. I nudged her in the shoulder.

"It's that time of the month." Ella said.

Oh my god.

A few classmates laughed at that.

"Well, perhaps you'll want to visit the nurses office?"

"You know what, false alarm." Ella plastered on a fake smile.

The teacher began to mark the roll as Ella continued to discuss the plan.

"So, should we do it?"

"Should we put a gps tracker in Clayton's car and follow him everywhere until we see his girlfriend?"

"Yes, it's such a great idea. I'll order a gps tracking device right now." She pulled out her phone.

I gave her a weird look.

"What? Should I order two?"

I rolled my eyes.


The end of the day was met with a double science period.

I managed to stay out of a close vicinity to Ace all day. In fact, I only saw him once, and that was when he entered French class for first period.

Now I had to sit next to him for two entire periods.

When he entered the classroom, my heart stumbled inside of my chest.

He was dressed in all black, like always. His hair was slicked back, like he had just washed it with water.

As quick as lightning, I averted my gaze away from him to look down at my fingers.

I nervously picked at my fingernails as he pulled the seat out and awkwardly sat down next to me.

The silence between us was deafening.

I felt as if I couldn't breathe.

"Uh, Mr Caldwell. Good to see you." Mrs Dandry spoke.

"Good to be back." Was his response. His voice was soft and mellow, I could melt just hearing it.

Snap out of it Charlie!

I settled in for an uncomfortable double period.


"Alright, that's it for today. Don't forget to work on your projects. The best project will be part of this year's district fair." Mrs Dandry explained as everyone gathered their things to head on home.

Easy peasy, all I have to do is come up with the best idea for a science project.

"Also, I would like you to work as a team with your partner. We do not have enough supplies and equipment for everyone to do individual projects."

Well that sucks.

"Alrighty, everyone have a good afternoon." Mrs Dandry dismissed us.

After gathering my things, I was quick to make an exit. The corridors were congested, and it was hard to make my way through.

"Hi Charlie!" A girl came up beside me with a bright smile. "I was wondering if it would be okay if I could come to your birthday party?"

"Uh, sure?"

"Great, see you then."

I honestly have no idea who that girl was, or how she knew about my birthday. Is she even in our grade?

I continued to make my way to the building's exit when I saw a dozen flyers taped on the lockers.

They were flyers for my birthday party?

What the hell?

First, when did Ella make these? At least, I assume Ella made them

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First, when did Ella make these? At least, I assume Ella made them. Who am I kidding, of course Ella made them.

Second, why do they look like they're invitations to a fifth grader's birthday? Are people going to show up with piñatas and wrapped up monster truck toys?

I plucked a flyer from the nearest locker and scowled.

I can't believe Ella would do this! Now everyone in the school will be there!

"Is it your birthday on Friday?" Ace asked, appearing beside me with that familiar smirk that I knew all too well.

Really, those are the first words he's going to say to me in months?

"Uh, yeah?" I sounded unsure.

"Cool." He plucked a flyer from another locker and read it.

"Am I invited?" He wondered. I could help but steal a glance at those green eyes.

"Everyone's invited."

"Okay, see you there Chuck."

Seriously? Another nickname?

I watched as he walked suavely down the corridor towards the parking lot, towards his motorcycle.


Sorry I've been slow at posting new chapters. Life is hectic atm!

But I am trying my best to write!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Let me know what you think in the comments :)

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