Tales Of Athera: Tavernfire-PT2

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There is a tavern at a crossroads. It has been passed through many families, and served to enemy and ally alike, and those in-between. Now, it serves two wayward princes. Their names are Donald and Michael. A noble has killed their father, and now takes the throne.

"We must travel afar, and away."

"Away from each other, into faraway lands."

Donald hugs Michael. 

"Will we ever meet again?"

"When we meet again, it will be at this tavern."

"But how will we know it will stand?"

From the fire, a collector speaks over their shoulder.

"This tavern has stood for years, and passed through many families. Look around." He swung his arm around the tavern, displaying the many trinkets, paintings, and plants proudly displayed on shelves and walls. "It'll stand. I'd be more worried about when you return. This place'll stand for eternity, but it's not immune to fights. I'd recommend coming back in a time of peace."

"And who are you? Oh you of knowledge?" Micheal asks, mocking. 

"A simple collector, one who has travelled far. I've read and kept many stories. If you don't want my help, ignore me." The collector shrugs.

"Fine then, collector. Where shall we go?" Donald asks.

"Try Novum. West of here, follow the path until you get to the waterfall. Then, from there follow the trees. For the other, try...Pick. Follow the path, until you find the sign pointing the way there." They spoke over their shoulder, not even bothering to look at The Prince Brothers. 

"Very well, stranger. We shall follow your advice. But if your warnings-"

"Fail you? Oh, I know I'll be killed." The collector didn't look up from their chair. 


"Goodbye! Safe travels!" Then, under their breath: "Hug each other now, it'll be different soon." They began to stare into the greenflame fire. "Do you know where this'll go, Stranger? What the next chapter will be? Not a continuation of this story, I'd imagine." They lifted their hand, as if a conductor ending beat four.

"And.. end."

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