Tales Of Athera: Sevron PT. 3

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Sevron is warped to another place, an abandoned aquarium. The only remnants of life are the cartoon fish, amphibians, and other creatures on the wall. The walls and floors and ceilings of every room are perfectly clean. There are no people. 

"What is this place?" Sevron speaks into the empty, stale air. The walls echo his voice. He ignites his hands with runic energy and begins to wander from room to empty room. Eventually, he comes into an entrance room, sliding glass doors displaying a full parking lot peppered by rain. Each car filling the parking lot was one color, one brand, and one size. "That's strange." Sevron talks to himself. "Hello?!" He shouts into the building, only for it to echo back at him. "Yeah." He walked out the sliding glass doors, into the rain. It was real, and soaked into his clothes. The cars were too, Sevron kicked one and scratched a mark on another. When he walked into the aquarium again, his shoes left wet marks on the carpet. It was all real. Sevron walked into the forest surrounding the parking lot. No animals ran across his path, no animals shuffled out of the way. Only the sound of his wet footsteps and the heavy rain. 

Finally, Sevron steps out of the forest into an empty freeway. He follows it for days, passing brightly colored cities and cul-de-sacs. No people, no humans, no animals. All empty. He continues walking, walking, walking. One time, he breaks into a house. No one protested. There were many rooms, all furnished with empty picture frames and untouched plates. An empty china cabinet sat in a corner. Dust covered nothing. He shouts he screams he cries he laughs and still no one replies. Only the eternal rain hitting the ground like a drumbeat. After he finds another empty rainbow city, Sevron primes a gateway. 

He steps through, leaving the empty realm behind. Only the drumbeat of rain cried after him. 

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