Tales Of Athera: Grey Eyes-PT.2

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Warning: Gun Violence, Death

The Unhuman watched from a perch in a forest. 

A single fae sat in a ring of mushrooms. A tiny crown sat upon their head. 

From the edges of the trees, three figures appeared. One in green, one in blue, one in yellow. The Unhuman adjusted the sights on their rifle. The three figures approached the fae. They looked up at the Grey Eyes. 

"What is your name?"

"We do not have any, but if you insist, you may call us Edward." 

"You are not of this time." The yellow one spoke to the tiny ruler. 

"Yes. What are you here for?" The ruler spoke firmly, confidently, and slowly.

"We bring a message. From Yggdrasil."

"Yggdrasil. The World Tree?" 

"Yes." Edward's face remained stoic, a strange mix of stubborn anger and serene acknowledgment. It was unnerving. The Unhuman loaded three rounds into the rifle, silently. 

"And who are you to know what The World Tree wants or needs or says." Edward thought for a moment, then began to speak.

"We are appointed by The World Tree itself."

The Fae smiled wickedly and lights flashed across their eyes. The lights changed from baby blues and cloudy whites to flame reds and memory golden.

"You would try to steal The World Tree itself?"

"What would The World Tree have me know?" The Fae narrowed their eye.

"You will cause great harm to your people. You are their ruler. You can stop it before it even begins." 

"I don't know what you mean." The Fae looked onwards, something behind their eyes. 

"You do."

The Unhuman took the shot. Three gunshots echoed through the forest as the figure dressed in blue fell. As the one dressed in yellow fell. As the one in green fell. The Unhuman jumped over their perch and ran over to the bodies. They held the gun over them, searching for movement. The bullet wounds were empty. No blood seeped out. At that moment, The Unhuman was hit with a memory.

[A man, seeking information on a beast.]

[The beast is a sister.]

[She should not be killed.]

[He seeks her head.]

[He has taken something close to us.]

[We cannot see.]

[A deal. Our life for another's.]

[Our life for a sister's.]

The Unhuman blinked the memory away and saw the bodies. Their eyes were open, and all were gray. Their mouths leaked gray foam. They spoke to them with one disembodied voice. 

++[Welcome to The Sisters.]++

Deep in other realms, 6 Sisters looked up from their work. Annunakia heard the gunshots. Mamitu saw the bodies fall. Manat tasted the blood. Namtar touched the bodies. Lelwani smelled the corpses. Hutena knew. 

And The Unhuman was suddenly blown down by a powerful gush of wind that was felt across the realms. 

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