Tales Of Athera: Sevron-PT. 4

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Sevron watched as the train sped away, spewing grey smoke into the blue summer sky. The grass under his feet swayed in the summer wind. The mountains loomed in the distance, the last remainders of winter still clinging to their peaks. The forest around the train was alive with the sounds of birds and other animals, all singing to each other. Sevron smiled at this. He walked on a dirt path laid with wood logs that led into the forest. Tall red trees lined the road, shedding pine needles that blanketed the forest floor. Small birds peck at the ground, before running off at the sound of Sevron. He walked past the forest animals. 

Eventually, he comes to a stone doorway, overgrown with plants. It stands on its own. The forest around him has quieted, the sun beginning to set. Behind the doorway, mist slowly rolls over a still lake. A sudden gust of wish rushes through the forest. Sevron shivers and looks around him. Surrounding the lake are ancient, timeless doorways. Four, each in the cardinal directions. Sevron watches the mist roll over the lake. He examines the door, brushing off plant life and dirt to reveal the runes carved on the stones. He pulls out a book from his shorts as well as a pen. He sits down and begins to draw the runes in his book as the sun sinks beneath the mountains, painting the sky with orange, yellow, red, and blue.


15 Days After The Disaster

I met another kid on a train today. He had heard about The Disaster, somehow. Said something about "reality shifting." Huh. Maybe it wasn't all forgotten. I don't know why but I told him to "let reality solve itself." I don't know why I felt I needed to say that. 

I went to the doors I had heard about. Yup, they were there. I guess this won't be a closed reality anymore. I always knew there were ways in, and by extension out, but I didn't think they were this obvious. Guess I was wrong. Or: these doorways appeared *after* I killed Mailok. Maybe in the restructuring, after I killed him, this realm decided to change some stuff. Regardless, each door seems to have runes on them, like the ones I wield. I think they translate to this:


(Red) -What?

Urbs                                                                                Lake                                         Gramen

(City)                                                                                                                                  (Grass.) Might've been here.

                                                                                 Flavo Civitatem

                                                                                   (Yellow city.)

I might've read these wrong, so I'll probably change them later. Most interesting is "yellow city." What does that mean? I associate yellow with sickness, and light. A sick city bathed in gross light? I think about these things when I think of yellow, but what do the realms think of? I've also heard yellow as sunlight (light) and flowers. This place could be my imagination, or another's. Or a mix of both. Or someone else's entirely. Interesting. I guess that's where I'm going next. 


Sevron looks up from his book and puts away his pen. The sky above is a deep purple, stars beginning to open their eyes. The shattered moon above casts light onto the misty lake. Things seem to move in the mist. Sevron makes note of this and pockets his book as he stands up. Time to go. He walks over to the doorway marked with runes that spell out: Flavo Civitatem. He rests a hand against one of the exposed runes, and it glows with green energy. A curtain of green strands fills the empty doorway, and Sevron steps through, the curtain disappearing. The lake is silent, the only remnants of anyone even being there are the uncovered stones.

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