Tales Of Athera: Remnants

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Deep in The Green Woods, a lone figure walks through discarded and rusting vehicles. Their face is obscured by a mask. They carry a makeshift machete. The concrete road below is broken and cracked, overgrown with bright green vines slowly pulling it down into the oily water below. Crumbled and decrepit billboards line the broken road, decorated with crumbling faces and peeling words. The products on the billboards are sunbleached. The figure passes a billboard that has almost peeled away, leaving only a grinning mouth, teeth sunbleached like the bones of a long dead beast left in the sun for too long. They shudder and continue walking.  The figure continues. Soon, crumbling buildings begin to rise out of the green fog. They too are overgrown. Trees sprout out of the first floors and burst into the light on second floors. Vines crawl around the sides of decrepit structures, as if trying to hold back the falling bricks and concrete. The green fog continues. So too does the figure. Eventually, the figure reaches a ravine that cuts the road in half, carving an unnatrual valley. The green fog is lessened here, and the figure replaces the canister on their mask. Miles away, the grown-over remains of skyscrapers tower upwards. The remaining uncovered glass windows glint in the sun. The figure sighs and begins the long walk around. 

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