Tales Of Athera: Sevron-PT.6

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Warning: Unstated cursing

Sevron stood in front of a tall building, rising out of the empty plains around him. A white sun dominated the sky, clouds long gone. It was a bland building, nothing but concrete and glass. It wouldn't be out of place in a city, but here in an empty grassland, it was not normal. Sevron walked closer, green strings twisting around his arms. 

He opened the door to a jungle. It was hot and humid, Sevron knew that. But he could not see any sun. There was no light above the jungle, only the bioluminescent lights on the many floras. He could only make out the shapes of the plants. They were strange, twisting and almost shaking. Yet, there was no wind. Well, now there was. A powerful gust of winds shoves past Sevron, momentarily pushing the trees down to reveal a starlit sky once covered by foliage. In the space of a blink, the wind was gone, and the trees righted themselves. 

"Corthaw." Sevron cursed, then ran back to the door. He touched the standing frame as several green strands unwound and slid along the door. The plains outside shimmered, then changed to a city built next to a bay. A red sun lit the ocean, shimmering. Tall, bushy trees rose around the city. But the city. The city was beautiful. Golden domes gleamed on top of yellow bricks half-painted with stucco. The rest was filled with bright splashes of color. Sevron smiled. 

Then the image shifted again to another place: a gray, square concrete building in an empty field. The land dropped off into the ocean nearby. Opposing the sea, the plains rose into tall mountains. Snow scattered the land. Sevron's smile dripped into a frown. "Yup."

He stepped through the open doorway and opened the satchel at his side. He walked over to the building and inserted a stolen card into a slit by the door. The steel door opened with a click. Sevron stepped inside. The door opened to a simple room, only a single elevator inside. He pressed the single button and stepped inside. After a moment, the door opened with a ding into a room deep underground. Small glowing cylinders lined the shelves. Sevron held out his hands and changed something within him. In an instant, his hands melted into dark tentacles tinged with green. They spread across the room, grabbing cylinders, and reached back to him. They dropped each cylinder into the bag and spread out into the room to grab more. In the course of several minutes, the room was emptied. The thing shifted, and Sevron's hand reformed, the last bits of darkness draining from his fingertips like water. He walked back to the elevator and rode back up. When he arrived back on ground level, he walked to the door outside. 

He rested a hand against the frame and the image outside shifted back to the city. This time, the inside of one of the grand cathedrals. Stained glass windows cast multicolored light onto the bronze floor. The ceiling above was decorated with pictures of Titan and Atlas holding up a piece of land. Many people walked around through and around the cathedral. There were many wooden pews with cloth seats and backrests. Sevron stepped through as the door behind him closed. He casually sat down in a pew and pretended to pray. He opened his sack and pulled out one of the cylinders. He placed it underneath his pew and flipped a switch. The Anchor locked onto the pews and unleashed a small wave of energy. Sevron shuddered at the power, then stood up.

And thus, Sevron the City Saver began to create a legend.

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