Chapter 5

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6 years later

"And where is Aerea? I have not heard from her in months!" Rhaenyra sighed as she held the parchment at her side. Frustration grew more and more in her face at the thought of Vaemond Velaryon calling Luke's claim into question.

"I've sent Jace and Luke to retrieve her from the Stepstones already. They should be back any minute now." Daemon answered. He gently placed his hand over his wife's swollen belly and smiled. "We'll get through this. We always do."

"I'm tired of getting through things. I want these accusations to cease and for my children to be left alone." She tossed the parchment to the ground as she sat down, rubbing the sides of her face. "Perhaps it's time to revisit the idea of a marriage pact."

"Absolutely not! I'll not have my daughter sold to the greens." He scoffed.

"Daemon, I don't know what to do! Nothing will end these accusations. None of them will ever be safe if we can't sway them to our side for once."

"Why would you wish to sway that miserable pack of cunts to our side?" A familiar voice sang through the room. Aerea strutted in with her brothers and an unfamiliar man. "Hello, mother. Father."

"Aerea!" Rhaenyra smiled as she shot up to embrace her daughter.

"Apologies for not writing, mother. Things have been rather...unsettling in the Stepstones to say the least." Aerea humorlessly chuckled before turning back to the unknown man she brought with her. "This is Ser Leo Harrold. He's my right hand man on the battlefield. Luke said it was urgent and I thought it would be best if he came along."

Daemon scanned the man skeptically while Rhaenyra just weakly smiled at the man. Leo bowed to her parents awkwardly. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances. Princess Aerea has told me many great things."

Rhaenyra awkwardly smiled while Daemon just stood with his arms crossed and eyes glaring at the man. Aerea looked between her parents and rolled her eyes. "Anyways, why am I needed?"

"Your Uncle Vaemond wishes to call Luke's claim into question...thus bringing his legitimacy into question along with-." Rhaenyra began.

"All of ours." Aerea sighed, looking at Luke with worried eyes. "When do we leave?"

"Within the hour. We'll have the carriages prepared." Rhaenyra answered.

"Mother, if this is the greens attempt to take us down, then I don't think it wise to travel by horse and carriage. We should travel on dragonback. Let us remind them of our numbers against theirs if they wish to make a threat." Aerea suggested. Daemon smiled in admiration at his daughter's idea.

"She has a point, mother!" Jace spoke up as he joined her side. Luke followed his suit and stood on the other side of his sister to back her up.

"Not all of you have dragons though." Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow at Aerea. It hurt just a little to be reminded of the fact, but Aerea brushed it off.

"Yes, but I was more than capable of flying on Arrax with Luke here from the Stepstones. Plus, I have other ways of intimidating Alicent and Otto." Aerea smiled with her hands resting on two peculiar blades at her hips. At each hip was a three-pronged dagger with a silver dragon's head at the top of the handle. Daemon eyed the weapons curiously, making a note to steal them from her later for his own interests.

"Fine, but I do not want any of you causing any trouble while we are there. We must stay on our best behavior for the time being." Rhaenyra caved in. Aerea looked at Daemon, who flashed her a smug wink.

Over the years, Aerea became very close with Daemon. She never openly admitted she knew he was her father, but the two had an unspoken understanding of their bond. He would practice with her twice a day with the blade and when they were alone they only spoke in High Valyrian. He was the one that allowed her to go help her grandfather fight in the Stepstones, but only after she spent weeks begging him that she was ready for a battle. He saw so much of himself in her. He couldn't keep her locked away in a castle the way her mother would. And after the letters they received months prior, he knew he made the right decision.

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