Chapter 11

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Aemond laid awake in his bed, staring up at the ceiling with nothing but Aerea's face running through his mind. He remembered the way her cheeks flushed in the sky, the way her tear filled eyes turned them a deep shade of blue, and the way her thumb lightly traced over the ring she wore on her middle finger. He thought of the indent in between her eyebrows every time she'd get mad at him.

Then he pictured his brother practically on his hands and knees begging their father to annul his marriage to their sister. It burned him how Aegon treated Helaena like she was nothing, but now to insult his wife by trying to leave her for another? Their niece nonetheless. No, he couldn't let his brother do that to their family. He couldn't let Aegon win.

He shot out of his bed, quickly dressing before he went to go to Aerea's chambers. But as he opened the door, he was met face to face with Aerea with her hand up as if to knock.

"A little late for surprise visits, isn't it?" He raised his eyebrow at her, seeing her bite her lip in embarrassment. His eye was focused solely on her bottom lip trapped underneath her teeth. She noticed his fixated stare and quickly straightened up, clearing her throat as he looked back up at her eyes. "What do you want?"

"I-" But she was cut off by a singing voice approaching them.

"Oh, Aerea! There's sweet, little Aerea!" Aegon slurred as he stumbled down the hall towards them. Aemond grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him.

"Go inside, I'll take care of him." Aemond ordered, but she stepped back to where she was. He shot her a dirty look, but she just shrugged her shoulders. "Aerea."

"Aemond." She mocked him.

"Isn't this a lovely sight. My brother former betrothed." Aegon hiccuped. He stood right in front of the two, eyes bloodshot and breath reeking of wine you could smell from the gates. He threw his hands in the air while letting out a laugh when he noticed Aerea was only in her robe with her nightgown underneath. "Isn't this just fan...fantastic? My brother finally wins for once."

"And what do you mean by that?" Aemond clenched his jaw, stepping closer to his brother as he stared him down.

"I mean, I caaaaan't say I blame you!" Aegon snickered, waving his finger in Aemond's face before he looked back at Aerea. "I would've stolen her virtue a long time ago had I known she'd be this."

"That's enough, Aegon!" Aerea spat as she crossed her arms across her chest. She didn't fear much in this world, but for some reason seeing the real Aegon up close like this was enough to make her hide a little bit behind Aemond.

"Oh you haven't yet, have you? Such a generous brother I have indeed." He went to take a step, but tripped over his own feet and just barely caught himself in time. "Keeping my love warm for me."

"Another word out of your mouth and I'll knock you on your ass, brother." Aemond growled, clutching onto the collar of Aegon's shirt. Aegon's eyes switched from his brother to Aerea. He couldn't believe she was with Aemond instead of him. It didn't make any sense. "Now leave."

Aemond shoved his brother back and turned back to Aerea, but Aegon jumped on his back and began to swat his hands anywhere he could at his brother. Aerea was pushed back by Aemond as he tried to sling Aegon off of him.

"Would you two knock it off?!" Aerea shouted, digging her fingers deeply right into Aegon's collarbone and finally getting him to stop swinging just long enough for Aemond to sling him off his shoulder. Aegon went tumbling over Aemond's shoulder and accidentally kicked his heel right into Aerea's nose, sending her back a couple steps. "Dammit, Aegon!"

Aemond turned and saw Aerea clutching her nose as blood swam out her nostrils. He didn't hesitate to slam his fist right across his brother's face, knocking him out cold right at their feet. He turned his attention back to Aerea who was just about to wipe the blood off her face with her sleeve, but he grabbed her arm and led her into his chambers. "Go sit down and don't wipe that on your sleeve."

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