Chapter 23

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Aerea tossed and turned in her sleep that night, fighting off nightmares that demanded her attention. She dreamt of dragon fire in the rain and claws covered in blood. The scene was unfamiliar to her, but the screams she swore she recognized.



"Not here!"


"Your eye."



"Help me."

Those were the voices that rang through the haze of the storm.

"LOOK AT ME!" Aerea's head turned to see Aegon sitting on the iron throne, holding a head of dark hair in his lap as he smirked down at her.

"Which one is next?" A voice came from the side. She saw Leo chained beside her, but the voice came from Aemond who was slowly walking towards the two of them with his dagger in his hand.

"Why not both? Reunite our niece with her brother at last." Aegon belowed, turning the head in his lap and revealing it to be Luke's. Aerea screamed and screamed, never noticing Aemond picking up his pace towards her. Her eyes met his for a split second just before his dagger slit right across her throat.

Aerea shot up in her bed covered in sweat, breathing so fast she could feel her heart beating throughout her entire body. Her chest tightened and her palms shook rapidly. She looked around the room, realizing it was just a bad dream and began to catch her breath finally.

The sun had just begun to rise so she cleaned herself and dressed for the day, rushing to see if Luke had returned but to her surprise there was still no word of him. Not any sign of her husband still. She wandered the beaches and the dragonmount in search of Vermithor, but he too was nowhere to be found.

Panic began to set in her as the day continued on with small council meetings. Rhaenyra noticed how tense Aerea had been and excused everyone else from the room to check on her.

"What is it, Arry?" She asked as she took her daughter's hand into hers.

"Luke has yet to return and I...I just have this awful feeling something is wrong." Aerea admitted, trying to imagine what could possibly be taking him so long. "And Leo is still missing as well and fucking dragon wasn't here today at all."

"I assure you, your brother and husband are more than alright. Luke should be returning any minute now and Ser Leo is more than likely wandering the streets of the common folk." Rhaenyra smiled sweetly. "As for Vermithor, you sound as though this isn't the first time he's gone missing."

"It isn't and I don't understand. Father breathes a certain way and Caraxes is quick to find him. Same for Syrax." Aerea leaned against the table, feeling defeated. "So much for finally claiming one just for it to abandon me."

"Don't say that, my dear. A strong bond takes time to build. It took a long time for your father and I to have the bond with our own dragons. Just be patient." She gave Aerea's hand a gentle squeeze before excusing herself.

Aerea wandered the halls, nervously playing with her ring and waiting for news of Luke and Leo. The sun was beginning to set when she stumbled into the grand maester just as she turned a corner.

"Princess Aerea, I'm glad I found you. There is news of your husband, Ser Leo." He said, cautiously handing her a parchment. "From King's Landing."

Her eyes scanned the words over and over, hoping she had misread the entire thing each time. "Who else has seen this?"

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